IRS Notice CP01- Identity Theft Indicator

Your claim of identity theft was verified by the IRS, which also placed an indicator on your account. They will keep an eye on your tax account to help stop fraud in the future.

Why did I Receive IRS Notice CP01?

You are a victim of identity theft, which is why you received IRS Notice CP01. The IRS wants you to know that they are taking the necessary precautions to safeguard your account from future attempts at tax fraud.

What I Can Do?

There is currently nothing else that needs to be done. Until you request its removal from your account, the indicator will be on it. Consider using the following steps in the meantime to protect yourself.

  • Continue timely tax filing and payment.
  • For useful advice, visit the Identity Protection page of the IRS.
  • Keep an eye out for any unauthorised or questionable activity in your credit history and financial accounts.

Whom Should I Speak With If I Have More Questions?

Please refer to the information on your CP01 IRS notice about how to reach you. Calling the IRS directly at (800-908-4490) will get you help if your tax account has been compromised due to identity theft. 

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