How to Fix QuickBooks Error 108 in Online Banking

Published Date: December 30, 2022   Updated Date: January 2, 2023

QuickBooks Error 108 in Online Banking

The QuickBooks Error 108 in Online Banking arises when there are some technical problems or due to banking errors. It is quite common for QuickBooks users to face technical problems and look for technical help.

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Let’s talk about it in detail.

QuickBooks error 108 is nothing but a banking error. It arises when any particular user checks online banking in QuickBooks Self-Employed and QuickBooks Online versions. This particular QuickBooks error notification states that there is intimation from the credit card or bank’s website.

This information is generally regarding the update or the connection problem with QuickBooks. If you are also having this problem, then it is highly recommended to read this article. It will help you to deal with the problem easily.

What Causes the QuickBooks Error 108?

Here is the list of reasons:

  • Your online banking account contains unread messages from your bank about significant updates that have been incorporated into the website or terms of service. These notifications could also have to do with promotional announcements or adjustments to the policies controlling how QuickBooks connects to and gathers information from your banking website.
  • You may have typed an incorrect password or username which may lead to logging in problems in the bank account.
  • Another crucial element is the pop-up blocker that you have added to your browser. If your browser doesn’t have a pop-up blocker installed, check your antivirus software because some antivirus packages include built-in pop-up blockers.
  • You have to use QuickBooks to sign in to your online banking as your bank has to confirm your identity for security purposes. A server issue might lead to such an error.
  • If the user has installed additional QuickBooks Versions.

What Are the Symptoms of QuickBooks Banking Error 108?

In this section, you will get to know about the symptoms of the QuickBooks Banking Error 108. These are:

  • You will find an error message displayed on the screen.
  • You as a user won’t be able to work on QuickBooks.
  • You will find that the QuickBooks program crashes.
  • You will find that the PC becomes slow.

Troubleshooting Methods to Fix QuickBooks Error 108 in Online Banking

Here are the steps to solve the QuickBooks Online Banking Error 108:

Method 1: Check for Notifications from Financial Institutions

Step 1: You have to sign in to your credit card or bank’s website. (Note: You should use the same credentials as you use in QuickBooks. If you rely on something different, then you should disconnect the QuickBooks account and make use of the bank website credentials for reconnecting.

Step 2: You have to check for messages, updates, and notifications.

Step 3: Messages regarding new terms of service, new offers, and maintenance announcements should inform you about specific steps.

Step 4: You have to update the bank connection in QuickBooks. For this, you have to take care of all the messages.

Step 5: You have to sign in to QuickBooks Online or Self-Employed.

Step 6: You have to select Bank Transactions and choose Update in the case of QuickBooks Online.

Step 7: You have to choose the Bank Accounts by clicking on the profile and you must choose Refresh All.

Method 2: Deactivate the Pop-up Blockers

Step 1: The foremost step is to login into the particular website of the financial institution or bank.

Step 2: Now the user needs to review all the messages and notifications. If the user fails to read the messages, then it may be because of the pop-up blocker. Hence, the user needs to disable it and then review the messages.

Step 3: Now, The user must work on the messages and dismiss them.

Step 4: Once all the steps given above are completed, the user must visit the QuickBooks Online.

Step 5: Now after that, the user must see the menu on the left side and then choose the Banking option.

Step 6: Now the user needs to click on the Update option on the Banking page.

Step 7: Finally, the user is needed to review if the particular Error 108 QuickBooks is showing or not.

Method 3: Examining the Settings of the Firewall

Step 1: The user needs to log into the particular computer. The user is now required to enter the system as an Administrator.

Step 2: The user is required to make sure that the current version of QuickBooks is being used and the version is up to date.

Step 3: Authenticate the Firewall Settings to make sure that it does not restrict access to the QuickBooks company file.

Step 4: Now, After this, the user needs to see the settings of the internet security.

Method 4: Run the Particular System File Checker

Step 1: The user needs to select the Start Menu and click it. Then select the typing command in the particular search bar.

Step 2: Once it is done, the user needs to click Ctrl + Shift Keys together. Then click Enter.

Step 3: The user will see a permission dialog box. Then select Yes, and click it.

Step 4: Now, the user will see a black box. It will be displayed along with a cursor that will be blinking.

Step 5: Now the user needs to press Scan Now and then click on the Enter tab.

Step 6: Once all the steps given above are completed, the System File Checker will start the scanning procedure.

Step 7: The final step is to adhere to the instruction displayed on the window to move further.

Method 5: Installing the Updates of Windows

Step 1: Select the Start button.

Step 2: Now the user needs to type Update in the given search bar.

Step 3: Now the user will see the Windows Update dialog box displayed on the screen.

Step 4: The final step is to hit the Install Updates option in case any of the upgrades are there.

Method 6: Log in to Your Particular Bank Account

Step 1: In order to begin the solution, the user needs to log in to the website of the bank.

Step 2: Now look for KB details in the transactions that are downloaded.

Step 3: Finally, Press the Ctrl key and run the particular pop-up blocker.

The solutions given above are the best fix that one can look for the common problem QuickBooks Error code 108. QuickBooks users can select any method they feel like and fix the issue. However, if the problem is still there, or if the user is unable to handle the problem even after following the methods given above, it is highly recommended to consult professional experts of QuickBooks.

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Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What is the QuickBooks Error 103?

QuickBooks Error 103 is a well-known error that users face. This error arises when the QuickBooks Online sign-in credentials mismatch with the website of the bank.

Error 103 means that QuickBooks is not acknowledging the login request. Therefore, you must update the login details in the QuickBooks Online. After this update, you can easily access the website of your bank.

How to Recognize the Particular Error 108 of QuickBooks?

In order to classify the error 108, a user can take into consideration the signs that may appear like:

checked The user is not able to work or use the QuickBooks software.
checked An error message is displayed on the particular window.
checked The QuickBooks program window has collapsed.
checked The particular computer system has become slow.

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