VPS vs Dedicated vs Cloud Hosting: How to Choose Best?

April 20, 2022

VPS vs Dedicated vs Cloud Hosting

With so many options to choose from, it’s difficult to tell which type of hosting is best for you. In this article, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of each type of hosting so that you can choose the best Hosting Provider.

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What are VPS, Dedicated, and Cloud Hosting?

VPS Hosting:

Unlike Shared hosting, Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting enables the website owners to run multiple websites on a virtualized server environment thereby reducing the impact of sharing space and resources with other sites. This way it provides a baseline of resources and automatically adds more resources whenever required.

Speed up the renting process and avoid living in a condo. VPS is a way to get your own allocated self-managed server where you’re the only one who is responsible for the problems that may arise such as parking spaces, and data management.

VPS hosting, which offers different tiers of products and services for all budgets, options start at about $20 and can go up to $100 per month, depending on the web host you choose.

If shared hosting is too basic for your needs, or you want more control over the site and the resources you provide to the users engaging with it, a VPS could be your best option for you.

Dedicated Hosting:

The process of hosting your webpage, personal or otherwise, on one server all to yourself is called a dedicated server. You own it and have full control over the resources, however, you will have to configure your environment for the specific site which may be different than what you are used to.

This type of hosting is typically more expensive, but in return, you get very high performance and better security than other types of hosting. Moreover, it’s the best option to optimize the Largest Contentful Paint metric, one of the Core Web Vitals metrics.

Owning your dedicated hosting is like owning a typical house. You are the only resident (other than your family) and can paint the house in any color you want. But it’s only up to you to take care of property maintenance and install a security alarm to save yourself from burglars.

Dedicated hosting services prices can start from $80 and go up to $500 every month, depending on your needs. This pricing is usually based on the specifications and additional services provided by the server.

Dedicated servers are best suited for medium to high traffic websites that receive over 500 thousand visitors per month and have the required resources to maintain the server. Dedicated hosting is also a good option for a person whose business demands a high level of security.

Cloud Hosting:

Cloud hosting is typically based on the concept of cloud computing technologies where multiple machines act as one system as opposed to a website being hosted on a single server. This way several servers can work together and high spikes in traffic for a particular website can be handled with ease. This is quite similar to virtual private servers. The only difference is that more resources will be made available to everyone as more numbers of servers are involved.

Cloud hosting minimizes the risk of a website going down because it draws its resources from multiple different servers. If one server goes down, the other servers can fill in and provide service for your site. Additionally, cloud hosting is flexible, scalable, and reliable.

Cloud hosting costs around $30 a month and more and provides a per-usage price, but that cost is usually billed.

Companies with more modest budgets should look into cloud hosting options. Cloud hosting is affordable and accessible for all sizes of businesses and thus makes a great choice.

Which one is Better for Your Business?

A VPS is a Virtual Private Server. This means that the server is physical, but it’s leased by your business from a provider like Amazon, Google, or Rackspace. This type of hosting allows you to manage your servers yourself, which can be great for businesses with tech backgrounds.

A dedicated host is when a single company provides all of the hardware and software for your site. This can be more expensive upfront, but it can also mean that you have more control over your site and less reliance on third-party providers.

Cloud hosting is a hybrid of the two options. Your site runs on physical servers owned by a provider like AWS or Azure, but the data is stored in the cloud and accessed through a web browser. This means that you don’t have to worry about setting up your servers or managing them – the provider takes care of everything for you.

If you’re looking for flexibility and control, a VPS may be better for you.

If price is a big factor and you don’t need too much control, a dedicated host may be better.

And if the price isn’t as important and you want to take advantage of the convenience of cloud services, a virtual private server that comes with shared hosting may be right for you.

In What Ways is the Monthly Cost of VPS Better or Worse than the Monthly Cost of Dedicated Hosting?

A VPS provides a lot more flexibility, but it typically costs more because the virtual machine is hosted on a separate physical server. So if you need more computing power, you’ll need to pay more.

You can also get shared hosting with a dedicated server, but that typically only provides 1 or 2 GB of RAM per virtual machine, which is less powerful than VPS. And if you need more RAM, you’ll have to go with a higher-priced dedicated server. Here’s how the cost comparison between dedicated and VPS hosting works: You can theoretically save money on your server costs by running multiple VMs in a single physical server, but it’s not a good idea because it degrades performance and requires extra maintenance. To avoid even lower server performance, you should always use at least a dedicated server hosting plan when running more than one virtual machine.

In case you forget to pay your bill, some hosting providers will suspend a VPS server without notice and take the entire machine offline, which can be a nightmare if you have important work-related data stored on the server. And worse, if the hosting provider goes out of business, it really can be a nightmare for the customer because he cannot access the server. So, if you want to host your WordPress site without breaking the bank, then you should use dedicated servers hosted by companies like pCloud or Servers.com.

VPS, Dedicated, and Cloud Hosting: Pros and Cons

VPS Hosting:


  • It is cheaper compared to a dedicated server and you can pay as per your requirements.
  • VPS hosting is a more secure option. The host installs software that allocates a part of the server to you. This creates a layer of separation between you and other customers, which makes it completely secure.
  • It offers faster performance because you are provided with more resources than other hosting techniques.
  • You can have better control over the hosting environment in the case of VPS hosting and make customizations as per your needs.
  • VPS hosting is more scalable.


VPS hosting is hard to configure. Hence, it takes a long time to run your website.

Dedicated Hosting:


  • You have full control over the settings and can customize the server as per your needs.
  • Dedicated hosting provides greater server performance.
  • Dedicated hosting is faster as compared to other hosting types as you have 100% access to the server resources.


Dedicated hosting is expensive and you must have skilled staff to optimize and maintain the server.

Cloud Hosting:


  • Unlike the other hosting types, Cloud hosting does not rely on physical hardware.
  • Cloud hosting offers greater scalability and flexibility. Moreover, it is cost-effective.


  • Cloud hosting demands advanced knowledge.

VPS hosting is great for people who need a lot of control over their servers, but it can be expensive.

Dedicated hosting is good for people who don’t need as much control over their servers, but they may have to pay a bit more.

Cloud hosting is perfect for people who need a lot of flexibility and don’t care about the size or location of their server. My recommendation is VPS hosting.

It’s really easy to use and there are a lot of companies that have user-friendly interfaces for you to control your servers. If you need more control over your server, then you can go with dedicated hosting. You just need to know what you’re getting into when you do this, like any other type of hosting, you will have to be willing to spend money on it at a certain point in time.

What Things do you need to Look for in a Cloud Server Provider?

There are many things you have to consider when looking for the best cloud service provider. This depends on what kind of server you would like to host your virtualization data on, but the most important thing is that the company’s terms are clear and not too demanding. You also have to talk about the price first with them, because if it seems too expensive, then there is no way you can afford it at that time. If they don’t outline their pricing in detail, then you can’t know what exactly they offer.

The other important thing to consider is the reliability of the provider you are going to hire. You need a good and reliable service that will not fail or drop them at any time. It is not just about the price though; you also have to take into account which country the server provider is from for you to have a more secure and reliable security policy over what you do on your cloud server. But the best thing is to go for the paid plans to secure yourself at any time.

What to Consider When Choosing a Host?

When choosing a hosting service, there are many factors to consider. Here are some key considerations:

  • Cost: This includes both the price of the hosting service itself and any required add-ons, such as domain registration or security services.
  • Features: The hosting service must be feature-rich. It should offer a variety of storage options, server configuration options, and security features.
  • Scalability: Any hosting service you opt for must be scalable.
  • Security: Your data must be safe regardless of the hosting type. The host must be protected by SSL encryption and firewalls: Moreover, the company should have a history of security breaches that could impact your data.
  • Jurisdiction and legal issues: The country in which the host is located must have laws that are favorable to your company.

Note: Know Your Stuff: Physical Distance is Not the Only Thing that Counts

Distance is not a factor when it comes to determining whether a hosting provider is based in the same country as you. To be considered equal, each host must meet all of these five criteria. In other words, just because one hosting company is located across the Atlantic Ocean from you, that doesn’t mean it’s not a good choice. Learn more about choosing your hosting company, in the next section.

The right hosting provider can make all the difference between success and failure for your site. The selection of a hosting provider isn’t simply a matter of price or availability; because they are responsible for storing and distributing your data, you need to choose carefully if you want to keep yourself protected from web-based attacks.

In this blog, we have compared the differences between VPS hosting and dedicated hosting, as well as cloud hosting. We have found that, overall, VPS hosting is better than dedicated hosting, but cloud hosting is better than both. If you are looking for the best hosting, then cloud hosting is your best bet. However, you must be careful with what Linux distribution you choose as well as how many resources that OS requires. Make sure that you get enough RAM, databases, and storage for your needs.

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What do You Mean by Shared Hosting?

Shared Hosting is a type of web hosting in which multiple websites get an edge to utilize a single server.

Which is Better out of all Three Types of Hosting?

All three types of hosting offer various features. However, Cloud Hosting is considered to be one of them all.

What are the Prerequisites to be kept in Mind Before Selecting a Host?

When choosing the host, make sure that it is:

checked Economical.
checked Secure.
checked Scalable.
checked Flexible.

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