What is a Delayed Charge in QuickBooks?

You’ve come to the correct spot whether you’re new to QuickBooks Online or just want to learn more about charges […]

You’ve come to the correct spot whether you’re new to QuickBooks Online or just want to learn more about charges that are delayed. We’ll discuss delayed charges, how to set them up in QuickBooks Online, and why employing this tool is advantageous in this post.

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QuickBooks Online has a useful feature called delayed charges that lets you manage costs that you want to bill a client for later. There may be times when you need to document a charge but don’t want to instantly issue an invoice, regardless of whether you’re selling goods or services. Delay in charging might be useful in this situation.

You may simply track and apply delayed charges to future invoices or sales receipts at the appropriate moment by establishing them. Businesses who need to regularly bill their clients or who offer services on a continuous basis may find this option especially helpful.

This tutorial will teach you how to create delayed charges in QuickBooks Online, manage and track them, and choose which advantages to use for your sales and invoicing requirements. You should know exactly how to use delayed charges in your QuickBooks Online account in an effective and efficient manner by the time you finish reading this article.

Though it may seem straightforward, Delayed Charge in QuickBooks is complicated, therefore before using it in your company, you should learn more about it. In QuickBooks Online, a delayed charge is described in this post along with other important information to be aware of. Proceed to read on for information on delayed charges.

What is a Delayed Charge in QuickBooks Online

QuickBooks Online has a function called “delayed charge” that enables you to log costs or charges for goods or services rendered to a client, but postpone sending an invoice for those charges until a later time. It’s a practical method of keeping tabs on and controlling costs that customers may be charged later.

In QuickBooks Online, a delayed charge is only a placeholder for the charge that you make. The charge does not show up on an invoice right away or have an impact on your accounts receivable balance, even if it is noted in your books. Rather, until you decide to put the charge on an invoice or sales receipt, it is “delayed.”

When providing services over an extended period of time and wishing to bill your client on a regular basis, delayed charges are frequently utilized. If you give monthly consulting services, for instance, you may charge for those services when they are rendered, record them as delayed charges, and then bill for those services each month.

In situations when you must bill a client for reimbursable expenditures, delayed charges might also be helpful. If required, you can input the expenditures as delayed charges and include them on a single invoice rather of generating individual invoices for each item.

In QuickBooks Online, a delayed charge is a non-posting transaction that resembles an estimate. After billing the consumer for the item or service rendered, the firm retains this transaction for further use.

Utilizing delayed charges in QuickBooks Online offers a number of advantages, chief among them being flexibility. Even if charges aren’t immediately billed to clients, you may handle and track them independently from invoices, giving you precise documentation of all charges.

Fields of QuickBooks Online Which Function in Delayed Charges

Delayed Charge Date:

Even though this is the day when your books officially reflect the charge, the event does not post. In QuickBooks Online, this date will appear in your “Unbilled Charges” report.

Service Date:

This is the formal date on which the service was rendered to your client or customer. This date indicates when you will have an accounts receivable when you dump or move this onto a real invoice. Remember that the date on which you set your invoice will determine your accounts receivable rather than the task’s actual service date. Thus, it is evident that many service dates may be included on a single invoice, and ideally this will happen after your organization is operating profitably.

Advantages of delayed charges in QuickBooks Online

Following are the highlights of some benefits with which you should be aware of because many business owners are often dubious about utilizing Delayed Charge in QuickBooks.

Elimination of Manual Bill Tracking

A company does not need to keep track of the invoices while employing Delayed Charge. Not one hard copy invoice, not one copy entry. All it takes to produce an invoice for later use is one click.

Quick and Simple

It’s simple and quick to produce invoices using QuickBooks Online. Invoices may be created with unmatched accuracy thanks to the Delayed Charge feature.

Anytime and Anywhere

To prepare and verify invoices while handling hard copy invoices, you must physically be in your store. But since all of the data is stored on the cloud, QuickBooks Online allows you to make invoices from any location.

Increased accuracy in billing: By enabling you to enter costs and charges immediately, delayed charges help you keep your invoices current and correct. By tracking costs as they happen, you lower the possibility that something may be forgotten or neglected on your bills.

Simplified Continuing Service Billing:

Delay charges are an easy approach to build up costs and put them on a single invoice if your company offers continuous services that need to be billed on a regular basis. As a result, you may streamline your billing procedures and save time by reducing the need for individual invoices for every transaction.

Handling Reimbursable Expenditures Effectively:

Companies that incur costs on behalf of their clients might benefit much from delayed charges. You may monitor and bill these expenditures as delayed charges, guaranteeing correct reimbursement while keeping accurate records, as opposed to generating individual invoices for each reimbursable item.

Sales and Invoicing Flexibility:

You may add charges to invoices or sales receipts whenever it’s most convenient for you and your clients thanks to delayed charges. To match your billing to certain deadlines or client preferences, you can opt to record charges right away but hold off on sending an invoice.

Precise Financial Reporting:

By keeping track of costs independently from invoices, delayed charges allow for more precise financial reporting. This division enables you to produce reports that accurately depict your company’s financial situation, even in cases where bills haven’t been sent to clients.

Simplified Project Management:

Delay charges assist in keeping track of and managing project-related costs and invoices for companies that work on projects or offer services for a predetermined amount of time. You may simply incorporate delayed costs on invoices unique to each project, streamlining project management and increasing accuracy, by generating delayed charges for each milestone or service rendered.

How to Create Delayed Charging in QuickBooks Online

In QuickBooks Online, making a deferred charge is an easy process. To track your costs or charges and start a delayed charge, take the following actions:

  • After logging in, go to the Create option in your QuickBooks Online account.
  • From the menu drop-down, choose “Delayed Charge.”
  • Names of customers can be entered manually or chosen from a list. Click on “Add a customer” to add a client if they aren’t already in your database.
  • Utilizing the “Account” drop-down menu, choose the relevant account for the transaction. For the purpose of tracking, this will classify the charge.
  • If required, provide the reference number and the date of the charge.
  • Include a detailed explanation of the charge that includes information that is pertinent to the consumer and you.
  • Indicate the charge’s quantity, rate, and total. If relevant, you can also provide any tax data that is required.
  • To make sure the data you submitted is accurate and comprehensive, go over it again.
  • For your delayed charge to be saved, click “Save and Close” or “Save and New.

A delayed charge that you have established will not be included in an invoice right away, but it will be preserved in your QuickBooks Online account. By choosing “Delayed Charges” from the Sales menu, you may view and control the delayed charges at any time. You may then check a list of all charges that have been deferred and make any required updates or revisions.

Recall that delayed charges are negotiable and can be applied as needed to subsequent sales receipts or invoices. You may add a delayed charge to an invoice by creating or editing it, choosing the customer, and then clicking the “Add Delayed Charge” button. The selected delayed fee will then appear on the invoice when you select it from the list.

You can effectively establish and manage delayed charges in QuickBooks Online by following these procedures, which will guarantee accuracy.

Managing of Delayed Charges in QuickBooks Online

To guarantee precise and successful invoicing, it’s critical to handle and track delayed charges once you’ve established them in QuickBooks Online. Following are some essential pointers for handling postponed charges:

Review and Adjust Postponed Charges:

Make sure the list of postponed charges is accurate and comprehensive by reviewing it from time to time. You may quickly amend the specifics of the delayed charge if any adjustments are needed.

Add Postponed Charges to Invoices:

Select the client on the invoice generation screen once you’re ready to add a postponed fee. The appropriate delayed charge may then be selected from the list by clicking the “Add Delayed Charge” button. An automatic charge for the delayed charge will be applied to the invoice.

Delete or Invalidate Delayed Charges:

You can choose to delete or void a delayed charge if you decide you no longer need it or if you made a mistake when recording it. While voiding a delayed charge leaves a record of it but designates it as void, deleting a delayed charge completely eliminates it from your records.

Track Unbilled Charges:

In QuickBooks Online, go to the “Unbilled Charges” report by using the “Sales” tab. All postponed costs that have not yet been billed are shown in detail in this report. When producing invoices, you may utilize this report to make sure no charges are overlooked.

Run an Old Receivables Report:

Get an aged receivables report to monitor the unpaid late fees. This report assists you in identifying any past-due charges that require care and ages your delayed charges.

Reconcile Invoices:

Make sure any delayed charges have been applied correctly by routinely reconciling your bills. Keeping correct financial records and avoiding disparities in your accounts receivable balance require taking this action.

You may efficiently manage and track your delayed charges in QuickBooks Online by adhering to these suggestions. This will optimize your billing procedure, lower mistake rates, and raise the general effectiveness of your company’s operations.

How to Create Delayed Charge Invoices in QuickBooks

Businesses can keep track of products to be billed to customers later by using delayed charges. Follow these steps in QuickBooks Online to create a delayed charge invoice:

  • In the Customers section of QuickBooks, select Delayed Charge by clicking the + symbol at the top.
  • To add a new customer, you have to either click Add New or choose a customer from the Customer drop-down list.
  • In the Delayed Charge Date section, provide the date that the goods or service was delivered.
  • Enter the details of the supplied good or service, such as the cost, quantity, and description.
  • To save the delay fee, you have to click Save and Close.
  • When the time comes to produce an invoice, open QuickBooks, click the plus sign, and then select Invoice under the Customers section.
  • In the right sidebar, you have to select a customer from the Customer drop-down list, then click Add All.

How to Use of Delayed Charges for Invoicing and Sales

One of the most useful features in QuickBooks Online for efficiently managing sales and optimizing your invoicing process is delayed charges. Delay charges can be used in the following ways for sales and invoicing:

Flexibility in Billing:

Delay charges let you bill your clients on a monthly basis if you sell items or render services. Whenever you choose, you may include all of the delayed costs on one invoice, rather than having to create individual invoices for every transaction. You’ll save time and guarantee that your consumers receive correct bills.

Including Refunded Costs

Delay charges offer a practical means of keeping track of and billing for any costs you incur on a customer’s behalf that must be repaid. When it comes time to bill the client for the reimbursement, you may list the costs as postponed charges and include them in the invoice. This removes the requirement for separate reimbursement invoices and guarantees accurate tracking.

Managing Project-based Billing:

Delayed charges assist in keeping track of and invoicing for work completed as it is completed for companies that work on projects or offer services that take place over a set period of time. When the job is completed, charges may be quickly added to an invoice that is particular to that project by entering them as delayed charges. In addition to ensuring appropriate invoicing for the services delivered, this streamlines project management.

Monitoring Sales of Non-inventory Products:

Delayed charges can assist in monitoring sales of non-inventory items that are not part of your regular inventory tracking, such as consulting services or one-time services. It is possible to track and report on the sales of these products independently by recording the charges as delayed charges and include them on invoices or sales receipts as required.

Prepayment Management:

Delayed charges can assist you in keeping track of and managing client prepayments and deposits if your firm demands them. Prepayments can be applied to invoices or sales receipts by recording them as deferred charges. In addition to making the invoicing process easier for your customer, this guarantees proper tracking of the prepayments.

More control and flexibility over sales and invoicing is possible with QuickBooks Online delayed charges feature. These techniques can help you measure sales more precisely, handle invoicing more efficiently, and provide your clients a flawless experience.

Steps of Tracking and Applying Delayed Charges in QuickBooks Online

You can monitor your sales and invoicing activity with QuickBooks Online by following an easy approach to apply and track delayed charges. Here’s a detailed tutorial on tracking and applying postponed charges:

  • Go into your QuickBooks Online account and select the Sales option.
  • Go to “Delayed Charges” to get a list of all the charges that are postponed.
  • You may use the search bar or the filter options to refine your results and look for a certain delayed charge.
  • Take note of any charges that need to be applied to an invoice or sales receipt after reviewing the list of delayed charges.
  • Click “Create Invoice” under the Customer menu to add a delayed fee to an invoice.
  • Click the “Add Delayed Charge” option after selecting the client for whom you wish to prepare an invoice.
  • Select the postponed fee you wish to add from the list, and it will be added to the bill.
  • Check the invoice to make sure all of the costs are correct and comprehensive.
  • Send the invoice to the buyer after saving it.
  • Use the same procedures as for an invoice, but select “Create Sales Receipt” to apply a delayed charge to a sales receipt.

These procedures will help you use QuickBooks Online to efficiently track and apply delayed charges. This enables you to monitor your delinquent charges closely and make sure that your invoices or sales receipts accurately reflect them.

Additionally, you may keep an eye on your postponed charges with the use of various reports offered by QuickBooks Online, including the Unbilled Charges report. You may monitor any pending costs and take appropriate action by keeping track of all the delayed charges that aren’t yet included in bills thanks to this report.

You can efficiently manage your invoicing process, guarantee correct record-keeping, and provide your clients smooth transactions using QuickBooks Online ability to track and apply delayed charges.


To sum up, delayed charges in QuickBooks Online provide a useful tool for companies to efficiently track spending and handle invoices. You may precisely record charges by producing delayed charges and postponing the production of invoices until a later time.

We have discussed delayed charges in this tutorial, including their definition, how to set them up in QuickBooks Online, and the advantages they provide for your sales and invoicing procedures. In order to provide your clients with correct and timely invoicing, we’ve also discussed how to handle and track delayed charges.

Use of delayed charges in QuickBooks Online offers a number of benefits, such as more precise invoicing, easier on-going service billing, effective reimbursable expense management, adaptable sales and invoicing options, precise financial reporting, and easier project management.

With the ability to generate, track, and apply delayed charges, QuickBooks Online gives companies the resources they need to manage their invoicing procedures efficiently, keep precise financial records, and give their clients a flawless experience.

With your newfound awareness of delayed charges in QuickBooks Online, you can use this information to expedite your sales and invoicing procedures with assurance. Remain organized, periodically check and adjust your postponed charges, and utilize QuickBooks Online reporting tools to monitor your outstanding charges.

Begin utilizing QuickBooks Online delayed charges feature right now to reap the rewards of increased invoicing accuracy and efficiency for your company.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main Advantage that Delayed Charges Primarily offer?

Billing clients precisely when a firm wishes to is the primary advantage of implementing delayed charges. Additionally, creating invoices is becoming simpler, and companies can bill clients at any moment in the future.

What Kind of Entry is a Delayed Charge?

One classifies a delayed charge entry as a non-posting transaction. It signifies that this transaction is only being made for tracking reasons and won’t have any impact on your accounts.

How Delayed Charges are Viewed in QuickBooks Online?

In the Customer Section, tap the invoice after clicking the Plus symbol. You can view the list of transactions after it has been opened. The charge transactions that are delayed are shown as “amounts receivable.” With this tag, all transactions are delayed charges. For further information, view this video.

How much is the Cost of QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks states that the Simple Start Version subscription starts at $25 per month. Your company will have to pay $180 per month for the most costly option, called Advanced. To view QuickBooks Online most recent pricing, click this link.

What is the Example of Delayed Charge?

Delayed charges are perfect for keeping track of the services that are rendered each week, for instance, if someone maintains a customer’s pool every week but does not want to bill them until the end of the month. When it comes time to bill the customer, it is simple to include these weekly services on an invoice.

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