QuickBooks Error: Invalid Amount When Trying to Process Credit Card

December 2, 2022

QuickBooks Error Invalid Amount

QuickBooks’ invalid amount is a type of error that occurs when any particular user tries to process a given card payment via the internet. The payment turns unsuccessful and then the user is stuck in a problem.

In the majority of cases, it occurs if the wrong card information is used to finish the purchase. Not to mention, such an error comes with a warning message – ‘An Error Occurred Converting the Amount‘. The warning message can also be – ‘An Invalid Amount Field‘.

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Now let’s learn why the QuickBooks Invalid Amount error arises when trying to process a credit card payment.

Why Does The QuickBooks Invalid Amount Error Arise?

You may experience the issue Invalid Amount when you attempt to process a credit card. A credit card can be non-corporate or corporate credit cards.

Non-Corporate or Non-Company Cards

Here are the reasons why this error occurs in non-corporate or non-company credit cards:

  • The most obvious reason for the occurrence of this error is adding a $ sign while entering the amount. You just need to add the amount only. For example 145.23
  • If you added the amount properly, the most probable reason can be that the bank of the cardholder is not accepting the card because of the amount. Even though it is rare, it can occur when the amount is big compared to what the client usually charges and led the computer system of the bank to flag the particular transaction. Your client must reach out to their respective bank to figure out why the card was not accepted.
  • You may also get the error Invalid Credit Amount, in case the amount you wanted to process was refunded to the particular cardholder. Not to mention, the error also occurs when the amount refunded to the cardholder is more than what was the actual sale amount.
  • This message also occurs when any particular non-credit card is used in a given merchant service account, like:
    • Gift certificate cards or gift cards
    • EBT
    • Debit cards only
    • Travelers Check cards
    • International cards which have not been configured for the United States Demonization
    • Any other card that looks like a credit card, however, is not a credit card in real.

Corporate or Company Credit Cards

Here are the reasons why this error occurs in corporate or company credit cards:

  • The most obvious reason for the occurrence of this error is adding a $ sign while entering the amount. You just need to add the amount only. For example 175.23.
  • It is quite likely that the particular transaction amount is too big for the card. You need to enquire with the cardholder what can be edited on the card
  • You may also get the error Invalid Credit Amount, in case the amount you wanted to process was refunded to the particular cardholder. Not to mention, the error also occurs when the amount refunded to the cardholder is more than what was the actual sale amount.
  • This error also occurs when the particular cardholder does not have the access to utilize the company card for your given business type. You need to authenticate the cardholder that the particular card can assist your business type.
  • Master card and Visa are seeking a sales tax amount:
    • The particular sales tax number can be 00.00. Although the sales tax detail is not processed, it is utilized by the card companies during a calculation. They request – What will be the sales tax in case you wish to charge it?
    • The entered amount must be between .01% and 21% of the given transaction amount.
    • Also, select the particular transaction as a commercial card and add it to a sales tax amount.
    • Not to mention, you will also need to add a purchase order number. This particular purchase order number will be delivered to the bank that has issued it.
  • This message also occurs when any particular non-credit card number is used in a given merchant service account, like:
    • Gift certificate cards or gift cards
    • EBT
    • Debit cards only
    • Travelers Check cards
    • International cards which have not been configured for the United States Demonization
    • Any other card that looks like a credit card, however, is not a credit card in real

How to fix the QuickBooks Invalid Amount Error?

Now that we know the different triggers that lead to the QuickBooks Invalid Amount error, let us now get a clear understanding of how to effectively fix the discrepancy in the payment process.

There are three options,

1st Option – Get the needed commercial code to finish the Online Purchase transaction

  • Step 1: While doing the transaction, if you get the invalid amount error, do contact your customer and request their unique employee commercial code.
  • Step 2: After this, navigate to the Intuit website and sign in to the Merchant Service Center
  • Step 3: In the main home window, click on the Account option and then tap on Account Profile
  • Step 4: Navigate to the Business Information or Account Holder field and then click the Edit button
  • Step 5: Now add your particular Business Tax ID number. It can also be your SSN (last 4 digits) number and then click Submit
  • Step 6: Now press on the Industry Type category and select the right option
  • Step 7: Go to the category – Reason for this accounting change and choose the right reason
  • Step 8: Press the Submit button and then wait for the particular transaction to finish
  • Step 9: If you still face the problem after incorporating this solution, then reach out to your particular bank.

2nd Option – Follow the right process in order to make the payment

  • Step 1: When you are on the QuickBooks screen or during making the payment, make sure the following pointers are met to finish the payment successfully
  • Step 2: Make sure that you add the right and precise credit card number along with the security code called CVV. It is a three-digit number provided on the back of the card
  • Step 3: See if the bank is providing you with the right authorization code on your registered number. If you fail to use this code, you will be restricted to go ahead with the transaction.
  • Step 4: Delete any special characters or any possible white space added in the fields to add the transaction detail.
  • Step 5: Make sure that there is enough balance in the account that is linked and also that you are completing the payment within the defined limit.
  • Step 6: Do not go ahead with the payment in case the information is already added in the fields. When the details are saved, they create a problem when you conduct online activities. Hence, it is always recommended to add fresh data yourself.

3rd Option – Troubleshoot your particular web browser

  • Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your system and press on the available Tools icon seen on top
  • Step 2: Choose More Tools from the provided list of options and select Clear the Browsing Data
  • Step 3: Choose All Time in the provided Time Range section shown on your screen
  • Step 4: Check the particular boxes for the following things:
    • Cookies along with other site data
    • Browsing history
    • Cached files and images
  • Step 5: Press on Clear Data and attempt to make the payment once more on a different tab
  • Step 6: You can also try to finish the transaction via the private screen of the particular browser or other browsers if the present one is of no help.

Now that all the information concerning QuickBooks error invalid amount when trying to process credit card is provided above, you need to make sure you follow the steps in the given order. This is a very common and complicated issue often encountered by QuickBooks users. Hence, they can use any of the solutions provided above to fix the problem.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the common credit card issues in QuickBooks?

Here are the common credit card issues in QuickBooks:

1. Accounts payable is utilized to add bills for the debt balances
2. The particular credit card accounts have not been reconciled
3. The particular client only does partial payments on his given credit card bills
4. All the given credit card bills are registered in the same provided expense account

What are the common credit card mistakes done by a user?

Here are the common credit card mistakes usually committed by a user:

1. Payment is not done
2. Carrying the credit card balance from one month to another
3. The credit card user is not aware of the applicable fee
4. Withdrawing cash in advance
5. The credit card limit has been maximized
6. The credit card has been closed
7. Applying for another credit card while using one

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