How to Record Multiple Income Types in QuickBooks

It is very crucial to systematically record several income types in QuickBooks in the right manner. Often the Profit and […]

It is very crucial to systematically record several income types in QuickBooks in the right manner. Often the Profit and Loss statements expand bigger than required since the customers do not understand that are other routes to review the details on the income types and customers. Know how to record multiple income types in QuickBooks.

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In all honesty, the income segment of the Profit and Loss must be a document, which is a summary of the prime income sources. It must be a document that can be promoted without disclosing important and confidential information. Such information includes sharing the financial position of your particular business with a stakeholder or outsider.

What are the Different QuickBooks Income Types?

Let us talk about the sources of money earned/income by a QuickBooks user. They can be from bookkeeping, tax work, or payroll services. All these three income types point out to one income account, known as the Service Income in the business’s Profit and Loss.

How to Record Multiple Income Types in the QuickBooks Accounting Software

When you develop a product or a service for sale in the accounting software QuickBooks, you must select an associated income account. Small businesses normally have one checking account that is utilized for expenses and income.

Several advanced setups may have several income accounts, to monitor different revenue types. By accessing different income accounts, you can develop more precise department reports, type of service, customer, or product.

Here is how you record several income types in QuickBooks:

Step 1: Press the Accounting tab that is available on the left side of the navigation bar.

Step 2: Choose Chart of Accounts.

Step 3: Select the New button that is in green and is present on the top-right side.

Step 4: Choose Other Income from the particular Account Type drop-down.

Step 5: Select the Detail type. Now Add a Name for the particular account.

Step 6: Press Save and Close.

Trying to record multiple income types in QuickBooks is not an easy job, especially for those who are new to the intricacies of QuickBooks.

In this article, we have highlighted all the steps on how to record multiple income types in QuickBooks in easy steps.

In addition to it, we offer consultation that can assist you to set up your QuickBooks account very easily and creating useful reports that can do wonders for your business. Furthermore, we help you to create a systematic and insightful Profit and Loss statement.

Do you need help with recording multiple income types in QuickBooks? Then get in touch with us.

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What is a Receive Payment Window in QuickBooks?

In simple words, the Receive Payment window offers assistance for registering payments that you wish to apply to invoices. An invoice generally includes many products and services that you wish to bill to a specific customer.

Generally, an invoice lets the customer pay up in a course of time on a particular payment plan. You can access the particular Receive Payments window by following certain steps in the prescribed order.

What are the Common Incidences in Recording Income?

Here are the common incidences or occurrences in recording income:

checked Type I Income
checked Type II Income
checked Income from Customer A
checked Income from Customer D
checked Income from Customer B
checked Income from Customer C

How to Create Revenue Accounts?

Here are the steps to create Revenue Accounts in QuickBooks:

Step 1: Press the Lists menu and then click Chart of Accounts.

Step 2: Press the Account button and click on New.

Step 3: Press the Type field and choose Income. Press on Continue.

Step 4: Finish the fields like Name, Memo, Description, etc. Check the particular box named Subaccount Of. Now select the parent account from the given drop-down list, in case it is applicable.

Step 5: Press Save and Close or click Save and Next in case you wish to add one more revenue account.

Note: In order to create Revenue accounts, it is imperative that you follow each and every step in the given format. Do not try to overlap or skip any step. Be consistent and follow one after the other.

How to Create Items in QuickBooks?

Here is how you create items in QuickBooks:

Step 1: Make Items.

Step 2: Press the Lists menu and then the Item List.

Step 3: Press the Item that is below in the list. Now press New.

Step 4: Choose an Item type that sync with the service or product that you are offering. If you are adding an item to monitor revenue for a particular service, choose the Service option.

Step 5: Press the Account drop-down list and choose the Income Account that you wish to use to monitor the revenue of the item.

Step 6: Finish all the item fields that are needed and then press Save and Next.

How to Record Revenue in QuickBooks?

Here are the steps to record revenue in QuickBooks:

Step 1: Press the menu that says, Customers and then press Create Invoices.

Step 2: Choose the drop-down that says Customer: Job and choose a Customer. In case you made a customer record, the details about the customer will show in the Bill to section. If it is not, add the customer name in the particular drop-down field Customer: Job.

Step 3: Now click the Enter key. Press yes, to access Quick Add and then add the details about the customer.

Step 4: Authenticate the Invoice Number and the Date fields. Check if the information provided is correct or not.

Step 5: Press the first blank row in the particular Item column and choose an item from the given list. The Rate and Description columns are already filled with the data you have given while developing the item. Add a Quantity for the particular item and press the new row in the given Item column to add a different transaction.

Step 6: Press the drop-down that says Print. Now choose Preview. Press Print if needed.

Step 7: Press Save and Close to shut the screen. You can also click Save and Next to make another invoice. The particular transactions get stored in the account you mentioned while making an item.

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