When you purchase any product or services from the vendors, they give you an invoice known as a Vendor bill. It is considered as the company expense. You can easily import vendor bills into QuickBooks online. Simple procedure available to import, export, or delete a list of vendor bills in QuickBooks. You only need to discover the accurate and correct method to this without any error. Through the below article, you will learn how to Import Vendor bills into QuickBooks Online.
Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Online. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.
What is Importing Bills is all about? Why and When You Need it in QuickBooks?
Vendor bills are beneficial for efficient group financing, cash management tools, running weekly bulk payments, better liquidity planning and cash outflow, and more. The vendor bills window permits you to fill accounts payable when vendors provide you products and services. Sometime the scenario may take place when you need instantly existing bills for review or analyzing operations. At that time, manual uploading bills one by one seems a complex task. In this situation, the Import feature is the time savior! QuickBooks Online provide convenient methods to import vendor bills from Microsoft Excel. Let’s explore it.
How to Import Vendor Bills into QuickBooks Online?
You can easily Import the Purchase Bills from Vender in Batches to QuickBooks. Before proceeding with the Import Processes, Walkthrough below points:
- Vendor Bills can be Imported with a Total Value Associated with Each Bill or Multiple Line Items.
- Supports Multi-Currency.
- The GST Codes are Automatically Mapped; You doesn’t require modifying the GST Codes to QuickBooks Online GST Code Formats for Importing.
- You Can’t Import more than 100 Bills Simultaneously.
Steps to Import Vendor Bills in QuickBooks Online:
Step 1: CSV File Preparation
Before importing vendor bills, you require preparing CSV or Excel File correctly. Here are the mandatory columns:
- Bill Date
- Due Date
- Line Amount
- Account
- Bill no
- Line Tax Code
- Supplier
You can Easily Map the Column Heading of the Fields to QuickBooks Bill Fields While Importing the Flow. If your CSV File Comprises New Suppliers and Accounts, You must Add or Import Accounts, New Suppliers, and Customers Before Uploading the File.
Step 2: CSV File Uploading
Here are the instructions:
- First of all, Click on the Setting tab
- Choose Import Data
- Hit Bills
- Check What’s needed to Import Bills.
- Once you are Done with Entering all the Mandatory Fields, Click on the Browse Button.
- Choose .CSV File
- Click on Open
- After this, Hit the Next Button
Things to Note:
- It doesn’t Matter you are only Importing a Single Component of the Vendor; You need to Outline the Line Amount Field.
- In Case Your CSV File Comprises New Suppliers and Amounts, You must Import or Embed Accounts, New Suppliers, and Customers Before File Uploading.
Step 3: Column Heading Mapping
- Click on the Date Format you are using
- Choose your GST Button (if available); like Inclusive or Exclusive
- At last, Locate the Final Mapping Window; Start Mapping your Tax Codes to those of the Fields Available in QuickBooks Online
- Choose Next Button
- In Case if any Mapping Issues Encounter, They will Appear on the Screen; You can go Back Page and Start Fixing it.
Step 4: Proceed with the Import Process and Verify Results:
- You will View Your Import Summary
- Choose Start Import
- It will Start the Import Process
- Wait for Some Time till the Import Process Completes; The Summary of Import will Appear on the Screen.
- If any Vendor Bills Fail to Import, You can give a Click to View the Reason Behind It
- Once you are Done with This, Hit the Done Button
- It will Display a Final Completion Summary
- Give a Click on OK to Close the Window
What are the Limitations you Need to know before Importing Vendor Bills in QuickBooks online?
- Check out the GST; it must be turned on in QuickBooks online to proceed with importing transaction with GST details
- The GST amounts and codes are not needed if the GST is not applicable in QuickBooks online
- If the QuickBooks online support GST, then you need to enter GST amounts and codes in it
- If QuickBooks does not detect any specified GST Amount, It Performs all the Calculations with the GST Code
- In case a GST Amount is there, Then the QuickBooks will override the Calculated Amount for Any Applicable Rounding Differences
- To store bill numbering in the CSV File make sure that custom transaction number is enabled. Here are the steps to turn on Custom transaction numbers:
- Click on Settings
- Choose Company Settings
- Hit Sales
- Now Click on the content section of the Sales form
- Find and Click on the Edit icon and Start Switching Custom Transaction Number from Off to on
- Hit on Save Button
- Click Done
That’s all about how to import vendor bills in QuickBooks online! Hopefully, the above information is helpful. To save more time, you can run Dancing Numbers Tool to proceed with the import, export, or delete process in QuickBooks. This tool is compatible with every version of QuickBooks. The plus point is you can easily import the list of vendor bills in bulk with fewer clicks. Use the smart tricks and intelligent utility to reduce the account complexity and saving more time! Stay tuned here to get better import tips and tricks helpful in accounting software.
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+1-800-596-0806 or chat with experts.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I Turn on the Import Bill Feature in QuickBooks online?
Click on the Gear Icon
Select QuickBooks Labs
Find the Right Corner of the Import Bills Hit On
Click on Done at the Right Corner of the Window
Choose the Gear icon below Tools, Click on Import Data
After this Hit, Import Bills
What can I Import into QuickBooks Online?
Bills with Multiple Line Items
Vendor Bills with a Total Value
Import up to 100 Bills in the Batch
How can I Retain the Vendor Bill Numbering in the CSV File When Importing Bills in QuickBooks online?
For this, You need to Enable Custom Transaction Numbers. Here are the steps:
Click on Settings
Choose Company Settings
Hit Sales
Discover the Sales Form
Click on the Content Button
Choose the Edit icon and Turn on the Custom Transaction Number
After this, Click on Save and then Done