The Items / Products / Services are important to import into the QuickBooks Online account; as it helps you to create invoices or sales receipts when you provide items / products / services to your customers. With this, you created a list of products that you sell to your customers. These can be of any type like inventory, service, or non-inventory items.
Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Online. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.
Import Items / Products / Services into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online which is an automated process. This saves you a lot of time and money. It transfers accurate data and also helps you to map the data of files correctly. Let’s get started with the import process and invest your precious time in other things.
Things Required Before Starting the Items, Products, or Services Import Process
Connect QuickBooks Online to Dancing Numbers Online via QuickBooks AppStore. Just click on “Get App Now” to start using the Dancing Numbers Online application program. You can also start the 7 Days Free Trial if you are not subscribed for Dancing Numbers Online yet.
Steps to Import Items, Products, or Services into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online
Here are the steps for importing the Items / Products / Services list data into QuickBooks Online
- Upload: When you are login to Dancing Numbers Online, the first step is to upload the file that you want to import into your QuickBooks account. So browse the Items / Products / Services list file and upload it to continue the process and proceed to the next step.
- Mapping: Next step is to map the fields of your uploaded file according to QuickBooks data file format so you won’t get any issues while importing the data. Make sure that the columns and rows are aligned properly.
- Import: The last but not least step is to review the data and then proceed further to start the import process. Click on the Import button and the automatic process started. This completely imports your bulk information without any issues.
If there are any issues then it lets you know by marking them in red color with the issue causing them. You have to fix the issues and then import the data again into your QuickBooks Online account.
Dancing Numbers Online Items / Products / Services fields
Field Name | Format | Description |
Name | 100 Characters | Mention the item’s name. |
Type | Selected Values | You have to provide the basic type of this Item / product / service. |
SKU | 100 Characters | Mention the SKU ID for the specific Item / product / service you have. |
Price / Rate | Decimal | What is the Unit price or Rate of the Item / product / service. |
Sales Description | 4000 Characters | Type the description of the Item / product / service. |
Taxable | Boolean | Mention the taxable transaction for the Item / product / service. |
Purchase Description | 1000 Characters | Do provide the Purchase description for the Item / product / service. |
Cost | Decimal | What is the Amount to be paid when buying the item. |
Income Account | Characters | Mention the reference of the Income account that is for Item / product / service. |
Expense Account | Characters | Reference to the expense account name used to pay the vendor for this item. |
Parent Product / Service | Characters | Provide the name of the Parent item / product / service. |
Inventory Asset Account | Characters | Mention the name of the Inventory Asset account that helps you to track the current value of the inventory. |
Initial Quantity On Hand | Decimal | Here type the quantity of the Inventory items available for sale. |
As of Date | Date | Date when the inventory transaction started for the item. |
Importing Items / Products / Services is also important if you have given them to any of your customer whose invoice is open for any reason. To upload the file of the credit memo and then click on import to automatically import it into your QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online. Feel free to connect with the expert team via email at or live chat to help in resolving issues or help you easily do the import process.
Accounting Professionals, CPA, Enterprises, Owners
Looking for a professional expert to get the right assistance for your problems? Here, we have a team of professional and experienced team members to fix your technical, functional, data transfer, installation, update, upgrade, or data migrations errors. We are here at Dancing Numbers available to assist you with all your queries. To fix these queries you can get in touch with us via a toll-free number
+1-800-596-0806 or chat with experts.
Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)
Is it important to provide the information in all the fields while importing Items / Products / Services into QuickBooks Online using Dancing numbers Online?
Yes, You have to provide all the information that is required to continue with the process. Make sure that you are providing the right information so that you won’t face any issues or problems.
What if I Entered the As of Date incorrectly and did the process of importing Items / Products / Services into QuickBooks Online using Dancing numbers Online?
This is not an issue while importing the data into QuickBooks. But after that when you look for the same data but with the different dates then it creates an issue for you. So be specific and mention each and every piece of information properly.
What are the types of items / products / services information includes from which you have to choose while importing Items / Products / Services into QuickBooks Online using Dancing numbers Online?
There are 3 types from which you have to choose one while importing the data. The type depends on the data you are importing. The options are as follows:
A. Inventory Item
B. Non-Inventory Item
C. Service.