How to Import Expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

Published Date: June 7, 2022   Updated Date: November 14, 2024

Import Expenses into QuickBooks Online

Expenses are the things that you have done for your organization that help customers to get better products or services. Expenses are most important for creating income and expense reports, profit and loss, balance sheets, and many more reports. For accurate reports import expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online software. The implementation of importing process is mentioned below in detail. You are required to follow it and start the automatic process. Dancing Numbers Online helps you to import the expenses transactions whether they are single form or in bulk form. Your expenses file must be in a text file or in an excel spreadsheet so that it can be done easily.

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Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Online. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.

Prerequisites that are Important to Proceed with the Import Process using Dancing Numbers Online

Connect QuickBooks Online to Dancing Numbers Online via QuickBooks AppStore. Just click on “Get App Now” to start using the Dancing Numbers Online application program. You can also start the 7 Days Free Trial if you are not subscribed for Dancing Numbers Online yet.

Steps to Import the Expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online

It is a 3 step process to import expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online. Do follow it and start importing expenses automatically so that you can save the cost and time. Login Dancing Numbers Online with QuickBooks Online and then the steps are as follows:

  • Upload: Choose import and then the first step is Upload. Click on upload and then browse the file of expenses that you want to import. The file must be in text or excel format. After uploading, go to the next step to continue.
  • Mapping: Mapping is the next step in which you have to map the field of your data according to the QuickBooks online data file format. This helps to transfer the data properly to its correct position. Then proceed further after mapping the fields.
  • Import: You have to now review the data you are going to import and when everything is good. Click on the Import button to start the import process. After this, the process runs automatically and you can invest this time in some other important works.

When any problem or error happens then it shows on your screen so that you can fix them and continue with the process to import Expenses into the QuickBooks account using Dancing Numbers.

Import Expense Fields in Dancing Numbers Online

Field NameFormatDescription
Ref No21 CharactersMention the reference number of the transaction.
PayeeCharactersYou have to provide the Payee name which can be anyone (Employee / Customer / Vendor) for the related transaction.
AccountCharactersName of the Bank / Credit Card / Cash Account for this transaction.
Payment DateDateThe date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
Memo4000 CharactersMention a note that is related to the bill transaction.
Category AccountCharactersReference to the Expense Account Name associated with the billing.
Category Description4000 CharactersFree form text description of the Expense.
Category Line AmountDecimalMention the category line amount in this field for the item.
Category Billable StatusBooleanIn the field if TRUE then it is Billable, If FALSE then it is Not Billable.
Category Markup PercentDecimalProvide the category markup value for the expense transaction.
Category CustomerCharactersReference to the Customer associated with the expense.
Category ClassCharactersMention the category class for the product.
Category TaxableBooleanIt if it is TRUE that means you are taxable.
Line Item or Product/ServiceCharactersIf you have any references then mention them here.
Line Item Description or Product/Service Description4000 CharactersDescription of the Item. It will be populated from the Item description entered in QuickBooks Online.
Line Item Quantity or Product/Service QuantityDecimalIn this field mention the quantity of product / service or item.
Line Item Rate or Product/Service RateDecimalWrite down the Line item or product / service rate.
Line Item Amount or Product/Service AmountDecimalProvide the Line item amount or the product / service amount according to the current price. The Total Amount of the Item. Not required if the Line Item Quantity & Line Item Rate is present.
Line Item Billable Status or Product/Service Billable StatusBooleanIf it is TRUE then it is Billable; If it is FALSE then it is Not Billable.
Line Item Taxable or Product/Service TaxableBooleanIf you show it TRUE then apply the tax here.
Line Item Markup Percent or Product/Service Markup PercentDecimalMention the line item markup value or percentage for the product or item.
Line Item Customer or Billable Customer: Product/ServiceCharactersYou have to provide the customer name for the item or product / service.
Line Item Class or Product/Service ClassCharactersProvide the class name for the item or product / service.
LocationCharactersYou have to write the transaction’s location.
Currency CodeCharactersMention the transaction’s currency code here.
Exchange RateDecimalProvide the exchange rate of the currency you have for the home currency.

Perform the automatic process to import Expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online. It helps you to import single as well as bulk lists and transactions to and from your QuickBooks Online account. You get all the error details as well if any. You can save a lot of time that can be invested anywhere else where you want to.

For any grievances, contact the Dancing Numbers customer helpdesk via email at or you can also do a live chat for instant solutions. The team is available 365 days a year so that they can help you in resolving your problems and provide you with solutions by understanding your concern. This way you can quickly transfer your data into your QuickBooks Online account.

Accounting Professionals, CPA, Enterprises, Owners
Accounting Professionals

Looking for a professional expert to get the right assistance for your problems? Here, we have a team of professional and experienced team members to fix your technical, functional, data transfer, installation, update, upgrade, or data migrations errors. We are here at Dancing Numbers available to assist you with all your queries. To fix these queries you can get in touch with us via a toll-free number
+1-800-596-0806 or chat with experts.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What are the Few things to Check before Starting the Process to import Expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

Here are the things to check and verify in your file before starting the import process:

checked You have to leave all the cells blank if there are 0s in them.
checked Check the format of the date; all the dates must be in the same format that is dd/mm/yyyy.
checked There is a number in the column of description in all transactions.

Are there any kinds of Import Settings to be done to Import Expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

Yes, Here are a few settings for the import process that you have to do and take care of what can be done or not.

Does every Item or Product/service Required to Pay tax as I have to Fill in fields while Importing Expenses into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

It totally depends on the product/service or item about which you are doing this process. If the predict/service or item is eligible then you have to mention the tax if not then no worries.

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