How to Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

The process to import a Chart of Accounts, whether it is in the form of text or an Excel spreadsheet that you can easily import into QuickBooks Online.

The process to import Chart of Accounts, whether it is in the form of text or an Excel spreadsheet that you can easily import into QuickBooks Online. Importing is easy whether you import single data or bulk data to your QuickBooks account. The bulk process can be done quickly using the Dancing Numbers Online Importer. It is an automated process for which you need to perform a few steps. The time depends upon the number/size of data you are importing.

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Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Online. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.

Things Required Before Starting the Import Chart of Accounts

Connect QuickBooks Online to Dancing Numbers Online via QuickBooks AppStore. Just click on “Get App Now” to start using the Dancing Numbers Online application program. You can also start the 7 Days Free Trial if you are not subscribed for Dancing Numbers Online yet.

Steps to Import Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online

When you are ready with your data that is correctly recorded/formatted into Excel. Then you have to follow the steps mentioned below to import a Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online.

  • Upload: Select the Import button to start the import process then click on Upload file to upload the accounts file. Choose QuickBooks entity as Accounts.
  • Mapping: Then Map the fields according to your QuickBooks format.
  • Import: Hit on the Import button to start the import process.

When the import is done you get notified on your screen that the import is done successfully. If any problem arises then the issue showed up on your screen so that you can understand the issue and then fix it or contact Dancing Numbers Online Customer Service.

Import Chart of Accounts Fields in Dancing Numbers Online

Field NameFormatDescription
Open Balance DateDateMention the Date from where you want to start.
BalanceDecimalWrite the Opening Balance Amount in this field.
Category TypeCharactersMention the type of account such as Expenses, Income, etc.
Description4000 CharactersIt is free from the text description.
Detail TypeCharactersChoose the name of Account Detail Type.
Name21 CharactersIn this, mention the name of the Account.
NumberCharactersMention Account Number.
Parent AccountCharactersMention the Parent Account name.
Is Active Specify if the Account is Active or Inactive
Category TypeDetails Type
Accounts PayableOutstanding Dues Other Than Micro Small Enterprise, Accounts Payable, Outstanding Dues Micro Small Enterprise.
Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable
BankSavings, Cash On Hand, Money Market, Trust Accounts, Cash And Cash Equivalents, Rents Held In Trust, Checking Other EarMarked Bank Accounts.
Cost of Goods SoldCost Of Labor Cost Of Sales, Freight And Delivery Cost, Equipment Rental Cost Of Sales, Other Costs Of Service Cost Of Sales, Supplies Materials Cost of Goods Sold, Cost Of Sales, Shipping Freight Delivery Cost Of Sales.
Credit CardCredit Card
EquityAccumulated Adjustment, Partners Equity, Partner Distributions, Owners Equity, Partner Contributions, Retained Earnings, Preferred Stock, Opening Balance Equity, PaidIn Capital Or Surplus, Common Stock, Treasury Stock, Estimated Taxes, Healthcare, Personal Income, Personal Expense, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, CalledUp Share Capital, Capital Reserves, Dividend Disbursed, Equity In Earnings Of Subsidiaries, Investment Grants, Money Received Against Share Warrants, Other Free Reserves, Share Application Money Pending Allotment, Share Capital, Funds.
ExpensesBad Debts, Charitable Contributions, Utilities, Commissions And Fees, Entertainment, Cost Of Labor, Finance Costs, Global Tax Expense, Insurance, Interest Paid, Legal Professional Fees, Advertising Promotional, Office General Administrative Expenses, Other Business Expenses, Promotional Meals, Rent Or Lease Of Buildings, Repair Maintenance, Shipping FreightDelivery, Bank Charges, Supplies Materials, Travel, Travel Meals, Auto, Dues Subscriptions, Entertainment Meals, Payroll Expenses, Taxes Paid, Unapplied Cash Bill Payment Expense, Utilities, Amortization Expense, Appropriations To Depreciation, Other Miscellaneous Service Cost, Equipment Rental, Borrowing Cost, Commissions And Fees, Office Expenses, Distribution Costs, External Services, Extraordinary Charges, Income Tax Expense, Loss On Discontinued, Operations Net Of Tax, Management Compensation, Other Current Operating Charges, Other External Services, Other Rental Costs, Other Selling Expenses, Project Studies Surveys Assessments, Purchases Rebates, Shipping And Delivery Expense, Staff Costs, Sundry, Travel Expenses General And Admin Expenses, Travel Expenses Selling Expense.
Fixed AssetAccumulated Depreciation, Fixed Asset Computers, Fixed Asset Furniture, Fixed Asset PhotoVideo, Accumulated Depletion, Fixed Asset Other Tools Equipment, Non-Current Assets, Furniture And Fixtures, Land, Provisions Fixed Assets, Assets In Course Of Construction, Depletable Assets, Leasehold Improvements, Fixed Asset Copiers, Other Fixed Assets, Accumulated Amortization, Buildings, Fixed Asset Phone, Intangible Assets, Vehicles, Fixed Asset Software, Capital Wip, Cumulative Depreciation On IntangibleAssets, Intangible Assets Under Development, Land Asset, Participating Interests, Machinery And Equipment.
IncomeCash ReceiptIncome, Discounts RefundsGiven, Non-Profit Income, Sales Retail, Unapplied CashPayment Income, Operating Grants, Other Primary Income, Other Current OperatingIncome, Savings By TaxScheme, Own Work Capitalized, Sales Of ProductIncome, Revenue General, Sales Wholesale, Service Fee Income.
Long term liabilityNotes Payable, Other LongTerm Provisions, Debts Related To Participating Interests, Provision ForLiabilities, Accrued Long Term Liabilities, LongTerm Borrowings, Bank Loans, Deferred Tax Liabilities, Government And Other Public Authorities, LongTerm Employee Benefit Obligations, Other Long Term Liabilities, Shareholder Notes Payable, Accruals And Deferred Income, Liabilities Related To Assets Held ForSale, Group And Associates, LongTerm Debt, Obligations Under FinanceLeases, Provisions NonCurrent Liabilities, Accrued Vacation Payable, Staff And Related Long Term Liability Accounts.
Other AssetsOther Long Term Loans And Advances, Lease Buyout, Other Long Term Assets, Security Deposits, LongTerm Loans And Advances To Related Parties, Accumulated Amortization Of Other Assets, Goodwill, Provisions Non-Current Assets, Licenses, Organizational Costs, Assets Held ForSale, Deferred Tax, Investments, LongTerm Investments, Available For Sale Financial Assets, Other Long Term Investments, Prepayments And Accrued Income, Other Intangible Assets.
Other Current AssetAllowance For Bad Debts, Development Costs, Investment_Mortgage RealEstate Loans, Loans To Officers, Employee Cash Advances, Other Current Assets, Investment_USGovernment Obligations, GlobalTax Deferred, Investment_Other, Loans To Stockholders, ShortTerm Investments In Related Parties, Trade And Other Receivables, Prepaid Expenses, Retainage, Undeposited Funds, Loans To Others, Other Consumables, Assets Available For Sale, Investment_TaxExempt Securities, CalledUp ShareCapital NotPaid, GlobalTax Refund, Internal Transfers, Provisions CurrentAssets, Expenditure Authorisations And Letters Of Credit, Bal With Govt Authorities, Inventory, ShortTerm Loans And Advances To Related Parties.
Other ExpensesDepreciation, Exchange Gain Or Loss, Vehicle Registration, Tax Roundoff Gain Or Loss, Other Miscellaneous Expense, Home Owner Rental Insurance, Penalties Settlements, Amortization Vehicle LoanInterest, Gas And Fuel, Home Office, Vehicle Insurance, Other Home Office Expenses, Mortgage Interest, Rent And Lease, Vehicle Repairs, Repairs And Maintenance, Parking And Tolls, Vehicle, Vehicle Lease, Depletion, Extraordinary Items, Other Vehicle Expenses, Utilities, Wash And Road Services, Vehicle Loan, Deferred Tax Expense, Mat Credit, Exceptional Items, Income Tax Other Expense, Prior Period Items.
Other IncomeInterest Earned, Gain Loss On Sale Of Investments, Other Miscellaneous Income, Dividend Income, Gain Loss On Sale Of Fixed Assets, Unrealised Loss On Securities Net Of Tax, Loss On Disposal Of Assets, Other Investment Income, Other Operating Income, Tax-Exempt Interest.

Let’s import the Chart of accounts data altogether automatically. For any queries connect with the expert team via email at or live chat to fix it quickly.

Accounting Professionals, CPA, Enterprises, Owners
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Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

Does Dancing Numbers Online Support all Versions and Editions of QuickBooks Online?

Yes, it provides service to each and every user who is using QuickBooks Online.

What kind of File Types are Supported by the Dancing Numbers Online Program?

The supported file types are .xlxs and .xls. These are types of Excel files as the software supports only excel files.

What if I have CSV or any other File type then how can I import a Chart of Accounts into QuickBooks using Dancing Numbers?

In this situation, you have to need to Open the CSV File and save it as Excel or any other file type needs to be converted into Excel and then import the file using Dancing Numbers Online.

Can I use QuickBooks Online while Running the Import Process?

Using a QuickBooks Online account is not recommended when you are running a process using Dancing Numbers Online.

From Where Can I get this Dancing Numbers Online Program?

You can quickly get it be going to from the web browser on your computer/laptop.

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