The invoices are important to track all your sales of your organization. So you have to collect it in a single place like your QuickBooks account. This helps QuickBooks to generate the correct reports and provide you with accurate data at the end of the year. For this, you have to import all your multiple invoices which is too much time taking if you do it manually. So the best way is to import invoice transactions into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers online. As it is the best automatic way that transfers all your invoice transactions in one go.
Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Online. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.
Pre-requisites that is Required Before Processing the Import Process
Connect QuickBooks Online to Dancing Numbers Online via QuickBooks AppStore. Just click on “Get App Now” to start using the Dancing Numbers Online application program. You can also start the 7 Days Free Trial if you are not subscribed for Dancing Numbers Online yet.
Steps to Import the Invoice list into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online
Here are the steps for importing the invoice list data into QuickBooks Online
- Upload: In this, you have to upload the invoice transaction file that must be in excel format. Also, the file must not be damaged or corrupted. You have to Browse for the file then select it and click on upload.
- Mapping: According to QuickBooks Online File Format map the fields of your uploaded file. Then check the data you want to import and move on to the next step.
- Import: In this step, you have to preview the data and then import it by clicking on the import button. The rest of the work is done automatically. Then you get the notification on your screen.
Furthermore, if there are any issues in importing then it won’t import the transactions until or unless it is resolved 100% or you have to remove that data for later on. When your file is error-free only then does the data got imported into the QuickBooks Online account.
Dancing Numbers Online Invoice Fields
Field Name | Format | Description |
Invoice No | 21 Characters | The transaction’s reference number. By default, Dancing Numbers(Online) uses this value only for internal processing, and QuickBooks creates a new value. In the import options, you can adjust this. |
Customer | Characters | Mention the name of the customer for the invoice. |
Invoice Date | Date | Write the invoice date of the transaction. |
Due Date | Date | Date when the payment of the transaction is due. If the date is not provided, the number of days specified in the SalesTermRef added to the transaction date will be used. |
Shipping Date | Date | The date for the delivery of goods or services. |
Ship Via | 30 Characters | References to the Ship Method associated with the transaction. |
Tracking No | 30 Characters | Shipping provider’s tracking number for the delivery of the goods associated with the transaction. |
Terms | Characters | If any terms are related to the invoice then mention them here. |
Billing Address Line 1 | 500 Characters | It is the first line of the billing address for the invoice. |
Billing Address Line 2 | 500 Characters | It is the second line of the billing address for the invoice. |
Billing Address Line 3 | 500 Characters | It is the third line of the billing address for the invoice. |
Billing Address City | 255 Characters | Mention the name of the city for your billing address. |
Billing Address Postal Code | 31 Characters | Mention the zip code of your billing address mentioned above. |
Billing Address Country | 255 Characters | Mention the name of the country for your billing address. |
Billing Address State | 255 Characters | Mention the name of the state for your billing address. |
Shipping Address Line 1 | 500 Characters | It is the first line of the shipping address for the invoice. |
Shipping Address Line 2 | 500 Characters | It is the second line of the shipping address for the invoice. |
Shipping Address Line 3 | 500 Characters | It is the third line of the shipping address for the invoice. |
Shipping Address City | 255 Characters | Mention the name of the city for your shipping address. |
Shipping Address Postal Code | 31 Characters | Mention the zip code for your shipping address. |
Shipping Address Country | 255 Characters | Mention the name of the country for your shipping address. |
Shipping Address State | 255 Characters | Mention the name of the state for your shipping address. |
Memo | 4000 Characters | Organization-private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. |
Message displayed on invoice | 1000 Characters | User-entered message to the customer; this message is visible to end-user on their transactions. |
100 Characters | Email address. The address format must follow the RFC 822 standard. | |
Email CC | 100 Characters | CC Email address. The address format must follow the RFC 822 standard. |
Email BCC | 100 Characters | BCC Email address. The address format must follow the RFC 822 standard. |
Print Status | Boolean | Write the status of print here. |
Email Status | Boolean | Write the status of email here. |
Shipping | Decimal | The shipping amount for this transaction. |
Sales Tax Code | Characters | The tax code associated with the sales tax for this transaction. |
Sales Tax Amount | Decimal | Total tax amount for this transaction. |
Discount Amount | Decimal | The discount amount. You may enter either a discount percent or a discount amount. If the percent is specified, it will override the amount. |
Discount Percent | Decimal | Percentage by which the amount due is reduced, from 0% to 100%. To enter a discount of 8.5% use 8.5, not 0.085. You may enter either a discount percent or a discount amount. If the percent is specified, it will override the amount. |
Discount Account | Characters | |
Apply Tax after Discount | Boolean | If false or null, calculate the sales tax first, and then apply the discount. If true, subtract the discount first and then calculate the sales tax. |
Service Date | Date | Date when the service is performed. |
Product/Service | Characters | Provide the Product/Service name here. |
Product/Service Description | 4000 Characters | Provide the Product/Service description here. |
Product/Service Quantity | Decimal | Provide the Product/Service quantity here. |
Product/Service Rate | Decimal | Provide the Product/Service rate here. |
Product/Service Amount | Decimal | Provide the Product/Service amount here. |
Product/Service Taxable | Boolean | If TRUE, marks the line amount for Tax calculation. |
Product/Service Class | Characters | The Class name is associated with this line. |
Deposit | Decimal | The deposit made towards this invoice. |
Location | Characters | |
Show Sub Total | Boolean | If TRUE, It will add Sub Total Line |
Custom Field Name (1) | 15 Characters | Name of the custom field. |
Custom Field Value (1) | 31 Characters | Value of the custom field. |
Custom Field Name (2) | 15 Characters | Name of the custom field. |
Custom Field Value (2) | 31 Characters | Value of the custom field. |
Custom Field Name (3) | 15 Characters | Name of the custom field. |
Custom Field Value (3) | 31 Characters | Value of the custom field. |
Currency Code | Characters | Reference to the Currency in which all amounts on the associated transaction are expressed. |
Exchange Rate | Decimal | The default is 1, applicable if multi-currency is enabled for the company. The number of home currency units it takes to equal one unit of currency is specified by the Currency Code field. |
Enable Online Payment | Boolean | Set True to enable Online Payment |
Enable Intuit Payment | Boolean | Set True to enable Intuit Payment |
Enable CreditCard Payment | Boolean | Set True to enable Credit card Payment |
Enable ACH Payment | Boolean | Set True to enable ACH Payment |
Let’s import the invoice list altogether automatically. For any queries connect with the expert team via email at or live chat to fix them quickly.
Looking for a professional expert to get the right assistance for your problems? Here, we have a team of professional and experienced team members to fix your technical, functional, data transfer, installation, update, upgrade, or data migrations errors. We are here at Dancing Numbers available to assist you with all your queries. To fix these queries you can get in touch with us via a toll-free number
+1-800-596-0806 or chat with experts.
Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)
Why it is Important to Import Invoices into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers?
The user can easily track their finances using it and generates accurate income and expenses and balance sheet reports. You have to import it using Dancing Numbers Online, as it provides the automatic process to get it done in an easy manner.
Is there any Order to Import Invoices into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?
There is an order if you are importing all the data into your QuickBooks Online account that is:
Product and Services
So this is when you are importing all the data. But if you are importing in your existing account then there is no such order followed. Whenever you import you can use Dancing Numbers Online software.
Can I Import Multiple Invoices using Dancing Numbers Online into QuickBooks Online?
Yes, you can easily import bulk data using Dancing Numbers Online. You just have to follow a few steps and then the process runs automatically.