How to Import Vendor Credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

Published Date: June 17, 2022   Updated Date: November 14, 2024

Import Vendor Credits into QuickBooks Online

The vendor credits are used to record the refunds from vendors or returns to vendors into your QuickBooks Online account. This helps to have records about the due bills or invoices. It is important to import vendor credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online. Make sure that the files you want to import are formatted correctly and must be in text or excel format. Here is the detailed process to import the data in 3 simple steps along with the pre-requisites.

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Things Required Before Starting the Vendor Credit Import Process

Connect QuickBooks Online to Dancing Numbers Online via QuickBooks AppStore. Just click on “Get App Now” to start using the Dancing Numbers Online application program. You can also start the 7 Days Free Trial if you are not subscribed for Dancing Numbers Online yet.

How to Import Vendor Credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

One important thing you need to do before starting the import process is to connect your QuickBooks Online account with Dancing Numbers Online. Then make sure where you input the text of the excel file so that it won’t be expressed. The steps for importing data into the software are as follows:

  • Upload: To import a purchase order, go to your transaction list and choose the vendor credits option. Next, click on the Browse option to search for the file of purchase orders that you want to import. Then select it and click on the Open button to upload a file into the software.
  • Map: Fill in the fields according to the QuickBooks Data File Format. Save your mapping and then continue to fill in the offsets for a specific account.
  • Import: Click on the Import button and the automated data import process starts. First, it shows you all the details of an account. Then it lets you select each detail and corresponding types of accounts as well-something to watch out for.

If you click on the Import button, you will see the Successfully Imported message. In some files, if you find red text that means imports are not working. Fixing that issue will complete the import task. With those tweaks done, you are done with automatic imports of vendor credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online.

Import Vendor Credits Fields in Dancing Numbers Online

Field NameFormatDescription
Ref No21 CharactersMention the reference number of the transaction.
VendorCharactersName of the vendor for this transaction.
Payment DateDateThe date entered by the user when this transaction occurred.
Mailing Address Line 1500 CharactersIt is the first line of the Mailing address for the invoice.
Mailing Address Line 2500 CharactersIt is the second line of the Mailing address for the invoice.
Mailing Address Line 3500 CharactersIt is the third line of the Mailing address for the invoice.
Mailing Address City255 CharactersMention the city’s name for your Mailing address.
Mailing Address Postal Code31 CharactersMention the zip code for your Mailing address.
Mailing Address Country255 CharactersMention the name of the country for your Mailing address.
Mailing Address State255 CharactersMention the name of the state for your Mailing address.
Memo4000 CharactersMention a note that is related to the bill transaction.
Category AccountCharactersReference to the Expense Account Name associated with the billing.
Category Description4000 CharactersFree form text description of the Expense.
Category Line AmountDecimalMention the category line amount in this field for the item.
Category Billable StatusBooleanIn the field if TRUE then it is Billable, If FALSE then it is Not Billable.
Category Markup PercentDecimalProvide the category markup value for the expense transaction.
Category CustomerCharactersReference to the Customer associated with the expense.
Category ClassCharactersMention the category class for the product.
Category TaxableBooleanIt if it is TRUE that means you are taxable.
Category Tax AmountDecimalYou have to enter the amount of the Tax that is for the expense line item. It is applicable when you exclude the Global Tax Calculation.
Line ItemCharactersIf you have any references then mention them here.
Line Item Description4000 CharactersDescription of the Item. It will be populated from the Item description entered in QuickBooks Online.
Line Item QuantityDecimalIn this field mention the quantity of product / service or item.
Line Item RateDecimalWrite down the Line item or product / service rate.
Line Item AmountDecimalProvide the Line item amount or the product / service amount according to the current price. The Total Amount of the Item. Not required if the Line Item Quantity & Line Item Rate is present.
Line Item Billable StatusBooleanIf it is TRUE then it is Billable; If it is FALSE then it is Not Billable.
Line Item TaxableBooleanIf you show it TRUE then apply the tax here.
Line Item Tax AmountDecimalYou have to enter the amount of the Tax that is for the expense line item. It is applicable when you exclude the Global Tax Calculation.
Line Item Markup PercentDecimalMention the line item markup value or percentage for the product or item.
Line Item CustomerCharactersYou have to provide the customer name for the item or product / service.
Line Item ClassCharactersProvide the class name for the item or product / service.
Accounts Payable Account NameCharactersYou have to mention the accounts payable account and the bill to which you are credited too.
LocationCharactersYou have to write the transaction’s location.
Currency CodeCharactersWrite the currency reference where the amounts are expressed on the associated transactions.
Exchange RateDecimalIn this field the 1 is the default. It is applicable when the multi-currency is shown for the company. The home currency unit number is equal to one unit of the currency that is specified by the field of currency code.

You can easily import vendor credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online. The data file must be damage-free, error-free, and able to be read by retail partners. You can connect with the Dancing Numbers helpdesk team anytime whenever required. You just have to write an email at or do a live chat with experts. The team members are trained and resolve all your issues as soon as possible.

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Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

Are Importing Vendor Credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online a fully Automatic Process?

This process is almost fully automatic; as you have to first fill out some fields, map the data, and then start the automatic import process. So this is a combination of a manual and automatic process.

What if the Location is not Mentioned or Correct after Importing Vendor Credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers online?

If the location is incorrect then do not use it to locate the data in your account. In case you have not mentioned the location then leave it blank but you are not able to find the vendor credits transactions using the location feature.

What if I Won’t Map the Fields of Files to Import Vendor Credits into QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online?

If the fields of the file are not mapped according to QuickBooks Online file format then the data got imported wrongly and you get the wrong or invalid information. It also may lead to error messages that won’t import a few transactions into your QuickBooks Online using Dancing Numbers Online software.

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