How to Pay Non-tax Liabilities in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll?

Published Date: January 9, 2023   Updated Date: January 10, 2025

Pay Non-tax Liabilities in QuickBooks Desktop

In today’s article, we will talk about how to pay third-party agencies for your deductions or agencies in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.

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In QuickBooks Desktop Payroll, you can create scheduled payments and make checks to provide benefits along with other deductions to your respective plan administrators like insurance premiums, 401(K), or other garnishments. As a result, you will stay at the uppermost position of your payments and bills.

How to Set up a Pay Schedule?

We suggest creating a payroll schedule for the non-tax liabilities to help you monitor when they are not paid.

1st step: Create Your Scheduled Payment

Step 1: Navigate to the Employees menu. Now choose Payroll Center.

Step 2: Choose the Pay Liabilities tab.

Step 3: In the section for Other Activities, choose Manage Payment Methods or Change.

Step 4: Choose the option, Benefit and Other Payments. Now choose Schedule Payments.

Step 5: In the Benefits and Other Payments column choose the liability or benefit you wish to create a schedule for. Now choose Edit.

Step 6: Choose the Payee.

Step 7: Add the Account Number. Now choose the Payment Frequency.

Step 8: Choose Finish and then close the screen.

2nd Step: Add the scheduled payment to your particular calendar

Step 1: Navigate to the Payroll Center. Now choose Pay Liabilities.

Step 2: Put a checkmark beside the liability payments and for this, a calendar reminder is required.

Step 3: Choose the option, Set Payment from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: Choose either Export Reminder in Calendar File or Add Reminder to Calendar File.


  • Add Reminder to Calendar will open the particular default calendar program on the provided computer of the user.
  • Export Reminder in Calendar File will make a calendar reminder file that can be opened on the computer of the user or it can be sent to other specific users in order to add it to their respective calendar program.

Also, Enhanced and Basic Payroll users are allowed to set payment reminders for specific payroll tax payments along with other payroll liabilities such as benefits payments or garnishments.

Assisted payroll users will only have the choice to set payment reminders for various payroll liabilities because Intuit already clears the State and Federal taxes for the Assisted Payroll clients.

How to Pay Your Scheduled Liabilities?

Here are the steps to clear your scheduled liabilities:

Step 1: Navigate to Employees. Now choose the tab, Payroll Taxes and Liabilities. Now choose Pay Scheduled Liability.

Step 2: In the screen for Pay Taxes and Other Liabilities, Choose the tax or any other liability you wish to clear from the list. Now choose View/Pay.

Step 3: Analyze the dates along with the amount that is due.

Step 4: Choose Check/E-pay to begin paying your particular taxes.

How to Create a Custom Payment or Pay an Unscheduled Liability?

Here are the steps to create a custom payment or pay an unscheduled liability:

Step 1: Navigate to Employees and choose Payroll Center. Now click Pay Liabilities.

Step 2: In the Other Activities section, choose Create Custom Payments.

Step 3: In the screen for Select Data Range for Liabilities, choose a date range. Now press OK.

Step 4: Choose To be Printed option, in case you wish to print the particular liability check. In case you issued a handwritten check, leave it as it is.

Step 5: Choose the bank account along with the date you wish to display on the particular liability check.

Step 6: Select either Create a Liability Check without Reviewing option or Review Your Liability Check to add Expenses.

Step 7: Choose the payroll item you wish to pay. Now choose Create. In case of more than one payroll item, in case they are paid in one agency that is pooled into liability check. Different agencies will create several liability checks. Ensure that the check amount along with the item list in the Payroll Liabilities are precise.

Step 8: If you choose the option, Review your Liability Check to Add Penalties or Expenses, liability check comes up. In case you do not select the option, you can see the liability check in the particular check register.

Step 9: Ensure that the date as well as the amounts are right. Choose Print to in order to print the check.

Step 10: In case of a handwritten check, make sure you clear the Print Later checkbox. Now add the check number. You can also add any other reference in the particular No. Field.

Step 11: For the liabilities cleared by EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer), clear the checkbox for Print Later and enter EFT in the NO Field of the particular liability check.

Step 12: Navigate to the Expenses tab if you wish to add penalties or expenses on the particular liability check.

Step 13: From the drop-down filed for Account, choose the expenses account you utilize to monitor penalties and expenses. Now add the amount in the given Amount column.

Step 14: Choose Recalculate.

How to Remove or Delete Scheduled Payroll Liabilities?

Here are the steps to remove or delete Scheduled Payroll Liabilities:

Step 1: Press Payroll Center in the Employees tab on your QuickBooks Desktop.

Step 2: Go to the Pay Liabilities section and press the Other Activities drop-down menu.

Step 3: Press the tab Change Payment Method. Now from the QuickBooks Payroll Setup window, select Benefit and Other Payments.

Step 4: Press the Schedule Payments tab. Now choose the payroll item that you wish to change.

Step 5: Press the tab, I do not need a Regular Payment Schedule for this item. It is available in the Payment Frequency option.

Step 6: Press Finish twice and Save the changes.

How to Resolve Tax Liability Errors in Scheduled Payroll Liabilities?

In case you have paid for your payroll tax liability, and it is still getting displayed in the scheduled payroll liabilities even when it is marked inactive, then perform the steps provided below:

Step 1: Press About QuickBooks in the Help tab.

Step 2: Now click the keys Control+ Alt+ Letter Y together to bring the Setup Y TD Amount window.

Step 3: Now press Next until you receive the Enter Prior System window.

Step 4: Now sensibly enter the Payment Date and For the Period Ending.

Step 5: Now select the account that requires to be impacted.

Step 6: Press Done and then Enter Finish.

How to Delete Old Payroll Schedule Liabilities?

Prior to deleting the payroll scheduled liabilities, ensure that the liabilities are paid off.
Here are the steps to delete old payroll schedule liabilities:

Step 1: In the Payroll Center, Press the Payment Activities drop-down list. Now select Adjust Payroll Liabilities.

Step 2: Add the total amount for the Total Liability Period.

Step 3: Now press the Payroll Item twice and add the Adjustment as a Negative number.

Step 4: Press the option Accounts Affected. Now choose Do Not Affect Accounts.

Step 5: Press OK. Now edit the payroll item that is next.

We hope that this article clears all your doubts concerning paying non-tax liabilities in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll.

Still, If you need any assistance in completing the steps concerning paying non-tax liabilities in QuickBooks Desktop Payroll, or get confused and stuck anywhere, you get in touch with our Dancing Numbers team via LIVE CHAT.

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Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What is the difference between Payroll Liabilities and Payroll Taxes?

Payroll taxes are liabilities until the date to transfer funds to state, federal, and local agencies. Payroll tax withholdings comprise Federal Income Tax.

What are the Crucial Points to consider prior to Deleting a Scheduled Payroll Tax Liability?

Here are the important points to consider before deleting a scheduled payroll tax liability:

• Ensure there is an active payroll subscription.
• Tax tables should be updated.
• Tax liabilities must not be deleted from the payroll schedule.

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