How To Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online?

To unmatch a transaction in QuickBooks online there are two ways. To know the process of how to unmatch a […]

To unmatch a transaction in QuickBooks online there are two ways. To know the process of how to unmatch a transaction in QuickBooks online read the blog.

Let’s learn how to reverse or unmatch transactions downloaded into QuickBooks Online.

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Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Online. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.

On every occasion QuickBooks downloads new bank and credit card transactions, it matches them with transactions you’ve already entered. If it cannot get a match, it creates a new record for you. What we have to do is analysis and sanction the work.

Sometimes, you may match the wrong transactions or classify them into the wrong account. No worries. You can make changes after the analysis. Here is how we can reverse, unmatch, or move downloaded transactions into different account.

What are Unmatched Transactions in QuickBooks Online?

QuickBooks provides the status of every transaction whether its match or unmatched from all the transaction we have extracted from bank or credit card account. If we found any transaction which is already there then it comes under the Matched status. Simultaneously, unmatched transactions in QuickBooks get assembled in the QuickBooks. This can happen due to multiple reasons like dishonorable bank transactions, incorrect matching approach. These are the transaction which can be painful and creates issue and needs the corrections.

Note: If you have done the reconciliation into the transaction already, and you would like to unmatch or reverse, reach out to your accounting clerk for counseling. These kinds of changes may have a huge impact on the accounts. Your accountant can help you to reverse the transactions and make the adjustments.

How To Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online?

This can be done in two different ways. One is from the banking page and other is from the bank register. Below are the few steps to unmatch the downloaded transaction in QuickBooks.

From the Banking Page

Steps to Help You to Unmatched a Single Transactions:

Have you matched the downloaded transactions with the incorrect one? Follow these steps:

In the initial step we have to go to the Banking menu ->Once you reached to the banking menu find the Banking tab ->later choose tile for the bank or credit card account you have downloaded the transaction from ->We need to choose Categorized tab ->Find the transaction you want to unmatch ->choose the blue transaction link option in the Added or Matched column to look into the matched transaction ->in the later step choose the Undo from the Action column.

This detached the two transactions. The first downloaded transaction will backward to the For Review tab. We just need to follow the steps to find the correct match.

Steps to Unmatch Multiple Transactions

First we need to cancel every transaction and select which one we want to unmatch.
Later, we need to select the undo option in the date menu.

From the Bank Register

Firstly, at the top of the page, select gear icon -> Under setting select chart of accounts -> Find the account and select view register in the action column ->in this stage, we have to choose the transactions, then click on edit option-> A select online transaction at the top of the transaction – > Click on unmatch on the next screen ->once you unmatch the transactions, it will go back to the review tab. At this stage we can categorize and match the transactions again.

How to Unmatch Transactions in QuickBooks Online Mobile App

In the QuickBooks Online mobile app, you can easily unmatch it. The only thing that you have to be sure that your bank account is connected to QuickBooks Online. You can make the changes and you can access your transactions in the app.

  • You can sign in to the QuickBooks Online mobile app.
  • Then you can tap Dashboard on the Home page.
  • You can scroll down to the Account Balances section.
  • Then you can scroll down to the Account Balances section.
  • Now you can tap the account that you want to change and then you have to tap into the QuickBooks section.
  • After that, You have to tap Undo, then to unmatch you have to confirm for each transaction.

You can match it again after you unmatch a transaction.

Steps to Delete the Downloaded Transactions in QuickBooks Online

For this venture user can also use any single mentioned out of the two given below to delete the transactions. The two ways for “how to delete a transaction in QuickBooks” are mentioned later.

If QuickBooks can’t find a match, owing the fact that you didn’t already enter the transaction, it generate a new one for you. If you don’t like it no worries, you can always clear out it completely and start from beginning. For that you need to follow some steps which are mentioned below:

One method is “From the Register”

In the initial step we need to select the gear icon ->later in this stage we need to choose the chart of account under settings ->Find the account, then select view register ->Select all the unwanted transactions ->Click on the delete button in the transaction line ->In the final step we need to choose the delete both option to delete the transaction, as well as the downloaded transactions.

Here one has to know that if theretransaction will get deleted, once we will not be able to see the transactions to be rematches.

Another method is from the Transaction Window

When deleting the transaction by the transaction window, downloaded transactions and both of the transactions will be removed. All these transactions will not get reflected into the transaction list.

Firstly we need to choose the gear icon ->Under settings, select a chart of account ->Find the account and select view register ->Select the unwanted transactions ->Now click on edit on the transaction list ->In the transaction dialogue box, click on more ->Then delete ->In the last step just click on ok button to confirm.

In this module we will also get a chance to learn about how proceed to downloaded transaction to different account. If we need to move a transaction to another account we candirectly swipe the account on the transaction:

In the first step you need to click in the Banking menu -> For that just click on the banking tab ->Select tile for the bank or credit card account you downloaded the transaction from -> In the next step we need to select the Categorized tab ->Find the transaction you want to move ->Select the blue transaction link in the Added or Matched column. This step will open the transaction ->In the column dropdown, one has to choose a new account for every item in the transaction. Here is a point to note that – Do not change the Payment account ->when you’re done, select Save and close.

QuickBooks online assist us to operate the business activities in a very simple way. One of the esteemed features of QuickBooks is to get the bank transactions straight. The person can get in touch with their banks & credit card account with QuickBooks. With the help of this, the person can directly program the unmatched transactions in QuickBooks. With the help of this module, we will get to learn how to unmatch a transaction in QuickBooks Online.

QuickBooks naturally reconcile the bank statements. It is also helpful to diminish the work to enter those transactions and match them. QuickBooks helps us to liberate the time and efforts. It avoids the uninteresting work of data entry.

We hope that this article would have helped in fixing the issue “How to Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online”. However, if you still face any issue or have any further query, you can connect with Dancing Numbers team via LIVE CHAT.

Here are some screens Which will help you to Understand the Process Better:

Unmatch a Transaction from the Recommended Banking Page

Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 1
  • Click banking from the left navigation part.
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 2
  • Choose the bank account which will use for that transaction.
  • You will get the list of all transactions which needs to be added will display.
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 3
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 4
  • Click on the QuickBooks option, you will get the list of the added and match transaction like showing into the below screen:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 5
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 6
  • Finding the transaction which is unmatched can be the difficult task as there are many matched transactions; for that you can apply the filter by amount or date or description as showing in the above screen.
  • After this you can choose the unmatched transaction, click on the undo option which is on the right as showing below:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 7
  • But if there are multiple transactions which are wrongly matched, QuickBooks allows you to select the multiple transactions in one go for that select the transaction from the left checkbox as showing below:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 8
  • Then, Select the undo button:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 9

How to Unmatch the Transaction from the Chart of Account

Let’s also see how to unmatch the transaction from the chart of account:

  • To unmatch the transaction from the chart of accounts select the gear icon and then select the charts of account:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 10
  • Later, You will see all the transactions as below:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 11
  • Find the account which need to be unmatched select the run report option from the right:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 12
  • Click the transactions to be unmatched from the list of transactions:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online
  • Correspondent transaction page will open.
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 14
  • You will see the expense page, on the left side corner you will see the online banking matches like below:
Unmatch a Transaction in QuickBooks Online 15
  • Click on unmatch.
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