How to pay independent contractors in QuickBooks Online?

Dec 13, 2022 06:19 AM 2 Answers QuickBooks
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Best Answer
Dec 19, 2022

To pay independent contractors in QuickBooks Online you have to follow the below steps-

  1. Begin by clicking the Vendors menu and then from the drop-down list, you have to select Pay Bills.
  2. From the list, you have to select your Accounts Payable account. If you only have one Accounts Payable account, you already have the option available to you.
  3. To pay each independent contractor, click the column next to their name. Other bills that you have already submitted can also be selected.
  4. Choose Payment Method from the drop-down menu. Select a payment option from Credit Card, Check, Direct Deposit, or Online Bank Pmt.
  5. Then select the Check if you wish to pay with cash, a debit card, PayPal, or an EFT.
  6. If you want to schedule a future payment then you have to click the Date filed and then change the date.
  7. To record and pay the bill you have to click the Pay Selected Bills.
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Best Answer
Dec 13, 2022

QuickBooks is software that Intuit developed to help businesses manage their financial and accounting data. All employees inside a company can have their payroll managed using QuickBooks, which also stores their tax data for each fiscal year. You can pay independent contractors in QuickBooks just like you would pay bills to any other vendor because they file 1099-Misc forms to pay taxes and do not need you to withhold any taxes on their behalf.

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