I’m looking into Quickbooks POS for multi user, currently, its one running on Quickbooks POS v8 or 9 we are upgrading to a 2 user system

Robert Bye
Apr 25, 2022 09:22 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks POS
Member Since Apr 2022
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I'm looking into QuickBooks POS for multi-user, currently, its one running on QuickBooks POS v8 or 9 we are upgrading to a 2 user system

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James Antonio
Apr 25, 2022

Step 3: Set up Multi-User Mode in Point of Sale

  • Locate your corporate file folder on your server workstation using Windows File Explorer.
  • Please keep in mind that the default location for your company file is C:Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks Point of SaleXX\Data.
  • Select Properties from the context menu of your company's file folder.
  • Go to the Sharing tab.
  • Choose Advanced Sharing, then Share this folder.
  • Choose Permissions, then Add.
  • Enter "QBPOSdbsrvuser" and press OK.
  • Select QBPOSdbsrvuser, followed by Full Control. Make certain that the permissions of the Everyone and Services user groups are set to Full Control.
  • Choose Apply, then OK.

Step 2: Configure the Windows firewall

Step 3: Enable Multi-User Mode on the server

  • Select Switch Company File to Multi-User Mode from the File menu.

Step 4: Set the Workstation number

  • Select Preferences, then Workstation from the File menu.
  • Select General, then input the workstation number in the Please enter the workstation number form.
  • Choose Save.
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