How to Set up Class Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop/Online?

QuickBooks is really important when it comes to keep a track of revenue and expenses. You might consider going beyond […]

QuickBooks is really important when it comes to keep a track of revenue and expenses. You might consider going beyond the fundamental account tracking performance with the help of QuickBooks. For this reason, users can access the QuickBooks class tracking tool. With the aid of this tool, you can effortlessly create classes in QuickBooks and keep track of them.

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Expanding into class tracking gives you a flexible option to keep track of individual costs, classify shared costs across several accounts, and manage the accounting for one-time and irregular costs that aren’t always connected to a single account type. You may easily get started with class tracking using QuickBooks, which provides a user-friendly setup process. The main advantage of class tracking is that categorizing expenses is easier because there is more control over it.

With QuickBooks Desktop, the procedure is speed up and made simpler for setting up class tracking. One of the main advantages of class tracking is that it gives you more choice over how you categories spending, which makes it much simpler to sort expenses.

In this article you will learn how to set up classes in QuickBooks. This will make it easier for you to contact our subject matter experts and licensed specialists. To ensure you get the most value out of class tracking in QuickBooks desktop, our technical support team will be pleased to set it up and give you a tutorial.

What is QuickBooks Class tracking?

The main element of the QuickBooks Class Tracking Tools to assist you in providing a personalized way of tracking certain expenses, managing accounts, evaluating frequent expenses, and categorization expenses that are being shared across multiple accounts and are not associated with a specific type of account.

On QuickBooks, one can easily create classes for specific transactions that are necessary to be grouped exclusively. Once done, you would be able to track each of the account balances by their labels such as office, department, location, and other associative properties you are entitled to.

Undoubtedly, QuickBooks Class Tracking helps you to organize your business in a much more efficient manner.

Tracking of Class in QuickBooks

You can categories expenses that have been split across numerous accounts, manage infrequent spending, handle accounting for one-off situations, and personalize how individual expenses are tracked in QuickBooks.

You can establish classes in QuickBooks for certain transactions that you believe should be grouped utilizing the class tracking tool. As a result, the procedure will assist you in tracking account balances by your company’s business office, location, department, and various properties you possess, as well as in providing you with additional insightful data about your company.

In addition to setting up the class, you may use your class to generate types for QuickBooks class tracking. Overall, you are able to run the entire company effectively.

How to Set Up Class Tracking in QuickBooks

QuickBooks provides a simple way to set up class tracking, enabling you to get started right away. The main advantage of class tracking is that it gives you more flexibility over categorizing spending, which facilitates sorting expenses.

  • Open the QuickBooks Application’s Home Page by Log in with the Help of User ID and Password.
  • Navigate to Access the Preferences Menu and then Click on the Edit Menu.
  • If you want to Access Choices for Class Tracking, Choose the Accounting Preferences Sub-category in the Preference Menu.
  • Use Class Tracking by clicking on the Company Preferences Tab and Selecting it.
  • In order to Enable Class Tracking for Your QuickBooks Desktop Program or Online Account Click OK.
  • So, Now Your Company Profile includes a Class Monitoring option.
  • At the Top of the Screen there is a Menu Bar, Choose Your Lists from the Menu Bar.
  • For Class Categories, You can Set up for Your Costs and Accounts so Click on the Class List.
  • The Class Button is at the Bottom of the Page Navigates there and Clicks the Arrow Next to it.
  • For making a Brand-new Class, Click on New Tab. You can keep track of different Expenses with the Class Types you Design, Including Payments for Technology Solutions, Travel, and other Regular Payments as well as Outsourced Charges.
  • Type the Class Name into the Text Box. If this Class may be Further Subdivided, Select the Checkbox Next to “Sub-class”, and then Add the Details in the Text Fields.
  • When you Enter the Data, Select the Expense on the Expense Entry Form to Associate to the Class with that Particular Expense.
  • Classes can be Connected to any Entry Which you make in QuickBooks, But they’re Especially Helpful for Invoices and Payroll Expenses.

Although it takes some time to Set up, Class Tracking is worthwhile in the long term. You receive a thorough breakdown of your business expenses and can monitor how your money is being used. Maintaining control of your money is much simpler with this knowledge.

You can begin tracking in QuickBooks once you’ve created a class and given tasks to it. Two reports are available to users of QuickBooks to track classes. These reports are made to keep track of transactions based on classes. These reports are referred to as the following.

  • Balance Sheet by Classes
  • Profit and Loss by Classes

Setting up of classes in QuickBooks

  • You can access both reports by going to the Report menu: Profit & Loss by Class and Balance Sheet by Class. You can found it in the Company & Financial section.
  • You can incorporate the class column into other reports by using the filters.
  • For the particular classes, you can make Quick Reports.
  • Now, You can access Quick Reports by selecting the Class List under the Lists section.
  • Select Graph or Report in order to finish the task.

How to Create Type in Class?

Class’s types also have a significant impact. While classes are being setup, generating types is an easy process. You can follow the following steps which are listed below:

  • Now, Navigate to the Lists menu and select the Customer and Vendor Profile from the lists item.
  • Then, You can choose the Type which is based on your needs.

How to Set Up Class Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop

For many QuickBooks users, class tracking may be a different concept. With the help of Class Tracking, you may basically track account balances by department, business office or location, different properties, or any other significant business breakdown. Additionally, it enables you to keep track of portions that users want to observe closely. Classes that are associated with transactions can be readily created in QuickBooks. This enables you to keep track of the account’s balance by division, office or location of a business, various user-owned properties, etc.

Businesses with many departments can greatly benefit from this functionality, which enables them to employ classes to report account balances for each department separately. Although class tracking seems like a laborious task, users have a fantastic picture of business spending and can see how their money is being spent, which makes it simple to keep within budget.

Steps for Setting up Class Tracking in QuickBooks Desktop

The steps to set up class tracking in QuickBooks desktop are defined below, so perform all steps for having long list of advantages that class tracking offers. Follow the instructions carefully and follow each step:

Switch on the Tracking of Class

There are a few things to keep in mind when you look at the subsections of turning on class tracking:

  • Create classes based on the style of reporting which you want to use and how you want to show the business segments on reports.
  • Finally, Create a class which is known as other to categories transactions that are unrelated, or transactions that don’t fit anyplace.
Steps for Window User

To Enable Class Tracking in Windows, Perform these Steps:

  • The First Step is to Open the File of the Company.
  • Navigate to the Edit Menu and Select the Preferences option on the Edit Menu.
  • Now, You have to Choose the Accounting and then you should Navigate to the Page for Company Preferences.
  • Once you’ve are Done with above Steps then you have to Select the utilize Class Tracking From the Transactions option.
  • Additionally, It is advised to Select the Prompt to Assign Classes checkbox if you want a Reminder otherwise there is the Chance you Forgot to Assign a Class.
  • Last and Final Step is to Click the OK Tab and Exit from the Screen.
Steps For Mac Users

The procedures for Mac are very dissimilar from those for Windows. Therefore, let’s look at how to set up class tracking in QuickBooks for Mac:

  • If you use QuickBooks for Mac, You must first Navigate to the QuickBooks Menu and then Select the Settings option.
  • Next, Choose the Transactions from the Workflow Section.
  • Now, Select the use Class Tracking checkbox and Shut the Preferences Page to Save Changes.

Setting up Class Categories for Expenses and Accounts

In second stage, you should know that how to create class categories for spending and accounts. It is important to keep in mind that classes should only be used for one category. It is advised that utilizing classes for retail locations, for instance, if you use them for departments. The sample classes by industry can be used by the user as a reference.

For Windows users:
  • Windows users must go to the Menu for lists and Select the Class list.
  • Now, You can Choose the New Choice from the Drop-down Menu of Class.
  • Enter the Name of the Class.
  • In case, If it is a Subclass then you must Select the Checkbox for the Subclass Before Looking for the class it Belongs to.
  • In last Step, Add it and Click OK.
Steps for Mac Users

Follow the following steps in case you are using Mac:

  • Navigate to the Lists Menu and then Select Classes from it.
  • Now, You have to Select the Create option.
  • In the Next Step, You have to Enter the Name of the Class.
  • Additionally, If it is a Subclass, Make sure that you Discover the Class to Which it belongs and Check the Subclass of Checkbox.
  • In Last Step Hit OK to Add it

How to Set Up Class Tracking in QuickBooks Online

The actions listed below must be followed in order to enable class tracking in your QuickBooks.

  • First, You have to go to the Edit menu and then from the list of options, Select Preferences Section.
  • Now, You have to choose the link of the Accounting.
  • Select the Preferences for the Company.
  • You can now Select the option to use Class Tracking.
  • Once you are Done with above Steps, Select ok Button and then Navigate to the Menu for the selection.
  • You now need to Choose the lists According to Your Preferences.
  • In order to Create the Categories for Your Spending, Choose the Class List option for that.
  • The Following Step will allow you to Build a New Class by Selecting New.
  • A Class for the Desired Expenses is to be Created Now.
  • Finally, The Process by Entering the Name Associated with that Particular Class Completed.

How to Assign Work to Classes for Transactions?

As you are done with the creation of class, you can use the class to generate the transactions.

  • The first step is to Open a Blank Invoice After Which you can Choose a Customer.
  • The Class Section will then be Shifted to the Right Side and Now you have to Close the Name of the Client.
  • You can Select a Class from the Drop-down list if the Entire Invoice is Assigned to that Class.
  • Now, You can Choose any of the Bills from Your Choice.
  • Each Item might have Different Classes Which are Assigned to it.

Things to Remember for Invoice Templates

If you are using Invoice Templates, You should check to make sure that they don’t have a column for classes. You can, However, Include Templates.

  • You can Select the Invoice Form if you want to Add Templates, Which you want to Change.
  • Choose Customize option from the Toolbar’s Options.
  • Now, You can Add Classes Under the Columns Section.

How to Use QuickBooks Class Tracking?

One of the key features of QuickBooks is to play an ancillary role in tracking the expenses and income of your organization. But at times, the need would be arising to move further to the basic account-based tracking performance.

To excel for this objective, QuickBooks class tracking becomes quintessential. The QuickBooks online class tracking tools are specifically designed to be user-friendly and allows you have better control over the various categorizations under expenses.

It is also known to be time-saving and increases efficiency output.

A few of the transactions that we have listed below allow you to assign a class:

Assign a Class on QuickBooks for Following Transactions
  • Invoice
  • Sales receipt
  • Check
  • Credit card charges
  • Bill
  • Sales order
  • Estimate
  • Statement charges
  • Refunds and credits
  • Purchase order
  • Paycheck

Since class tracking is used in the majority of transactions, it is simpler for you to produce reports for the organization that show the balances across several classes, divisions, or locations. You can achieve this by using a filter, sort, or total report by class.

How can I turn on Class Tracking Tool on QuickBooks?

This article would further guide you in detailed steps to enable the class tracking tool on QuickBooks:

Step 1: Browse to the ‘Preferences’ section under the Edit menu.

Step 2: Tap on the ‘Accounting’ icon.

Step 3: Take your cursor to the Company Preferences.

Step 4: Locate the Use Class Tracking box and Check it and Click OK.

Step 5: Move to the Menu Section and Select the lists Which you wish to Track.

Step 6: Tap on the ‘Class List‘ option that Helps you to Set up Categories for the Expenses.

Step 7: Select ‘New‘ for Creating a New Class.

Step 8: Choose your Desired Expenses for the New Class Created in Step 7.

Step 9: Add a Name related to the Specific Class Which you Created and Finish the Procedure.

After you have created the classes, you now need to understand the complete utilization of the tracking class tool for your transactions.

Here are the steps to follow the same:

Step 1: Open ‘Blank Invoice‘ and Select a Customer.

Step 2: Locate the Class Field Next to the Customer’s Name.

Step 3: Tap on the Drop-down list and Choose the Invoice of Your Interest (This step is to be followed only when an entire Invoice is allocated to the same class). Allocation of separate classes individually for each of the line items is also possible.

On QuickBooks, one thing that you must remember is that not every invoice template would be including a column for the classes.

However, it possible to add on the templates by choosing the invoice form which you would be wanting to change and select the ‘Customize’ option under the Toolbar.

Once you have performed this, Next you would be able to add classes designated under the column section. But to ensure this, Make sure that the window for customization data layout is open.

How to Create Types on QuickBooks Class Tracking?

Very similar to the creation of classes, The steps involved for creating types fall along the same line. The steps involved to create Types on QuickBooks Class Tracking is mentioned below:

Step 1: Move to the Lists Section and Hit the Customer & Vendor Profile Lists, and choose the ‘Type’ Which you want.

Step 2: Repeat the Same Instructions that were Specified for Creating Classes.

Note: the ‘types’ don’t appear on any transactions and are mostly created for personal use, thereby saving it in the documents.


This simple QuickBooks expense monitoring solution is quite helpful because you can effectively gain strong control over expenses. How to set up classes in QuickBooks is covered in this guide. You may track transactions based on classes in QuickBooks in addition to by defining classes. You can also contact our team of Dancing Numbers experts by calling us or sending us a message for an immediate response if you need assistance.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to Enable Classes in QuickBooks?

Follow the following steps for enabling classes in QuickBooks:

• First step is that you have to open your company file.
• Preferences can be selected from Edit tab from the menu.
• Select Accounting tab and then you have to select the Company Preferences tab.
• Select the option that shows use class tracking for transactions.
• Select the Prompt to assign class’s checkbox if you want a reminder when you haven’t yet done so.
• Select OK.

What is the Difference Between Classes and Tags in QuickBooks?

While the Classes feature on QuickBooks Online Plus and Advanced is already included in every transaction, Tags must be applied each time when they are required.

What is the Difference Between Locations and Classes in QuickBooks online?

Location: Three distinct organizational divisions of the company.
Classes: The financial services and goods offered by each unit.

In this illustration, the Locations could be retail sales, consulting businesses, or businesses that install things. Classes could include different items and services you offer.

What is the Benefit of using Classes in QuickBooks?

Classes that you attribute to transactions can be created in QuickBooks. This enables you to keep track of account balances by division, branch office, and physical location of your company, various properties you own, or any other useful segmentation of your enterprise.

Can I use ID or Classes?

If you need to use the same selector more than once on a page or website, you should use a class. Unlike classes, which can be applied to multiple items on a page or throughout the website, an ID is unique to a particular element. They are commonplace.

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