I am not able to receive QuickBooks payroll updates since I installed windows 10 error message 15106

May 10, 2022 11:03 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks
Member Since May 2022
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I am not able to receive QuickBooks payroll updates since I installed windows 10 error message 15106, please suggest some fixers.

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May 10, 2022

The ways to easily troubleshoot QuickBooks payroll update problem 15106 are listed below:

  • As an Administrator, log on to your computer.
  • Rename the folder and turn off the antivirus software.
  • QuickBooks Desktop should be updated again.
  • Turn off the User Account Control (User Account Control)
  • Remove antivirus software from your PC.
  • Install QuickBooks Desktop in Selective Startup mode after a clean installation.

In case the above method didn't work your can skip to the below methods,

Rename the folder and turn off the antivirus software

  1. To begin, go to Task Manager and disable the antivirus.
  2. To launch Task Manager, press and hold the Ctrl, Shift, and Esc keys at the same time. Make sure you're on the Processes tab; if not, click it.
  3. Check to see whether you have an antivirus program installed on your computer.
  4. Select it and press the Finish Task button.
  5. After that, you must rename the QuickBooks update directories.
  6. On the Desktop, press the Windows + E keys together to open the File Explorer.
  7. Go to the C: drive.
  8. Intuit QuickBooks (year or version) Components Program Files
  9. Find the QuickBooks (year or version) file and download it.
  10. Select the choice with a right-click on the file. Rename
  11. Now, add OLD to the end of the file name and hit the Enter key.
  12. The name of the file is changed as a result of this.
  13. Try again your error must be solved by now!
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