Need help with installation of 2020 QuickBooks

May 02, 2022 11:35 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks
Member Since May 2022
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I need help with installation of 2020 QuickBooks from 2017 version. I have an old computer which I have the 2017 version. I purchased a new computer and I need to move the QuickBooks 2017 with the 2020

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May 02, 2022

When you switch to a newer version of QBDT, you'll also need to upgrade your business files if you want to keep utilizing them in QuickBooks Desktop. To update, let's restore a backup copy of your company's files.

To upgrade your previous business file, follow these steps:

  • Let's make sure everyone in your business file is logged out.
  • Open your new QuickBooks Desktop version.
  • If you don't have a business file open, choose Open or Restore Company. You may also choose Open or Restore Company from the File menu.
  • Next, select Open a business file. Select Restore a backup copy and then Local backup if you have a backup company file (QBB) rather than a company file (QBW).

Look for your corporate file on your computer:

  • In Step 1, you noted the file's location. Select it, then choose Open.
  • As an admin user, log in to your business file.
  • QuickBooks generates an automated backup of your existing company file before you update. To save the backup in a specified folder, choose to Change this default location.
  • To begin the upgrade, select Update Now.
  • Select Done when QuickBooks setup is completed.
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