Why is my 1099 report in QuickBooks blank?

Robert Bye
Dec 12, 2022 08:03 AM 2 Answers QuickBooks
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Best Answer
Dec 19, 2022

In QuickBooks Desktop, the default date range when displaying a 1099 report is the previous calendar year. Next, make sure the report is configured for the appropriate date period so that the appropriate amount of information is displayed.

Data damage does not mean that all of your files include faults. It indicates that QuickBooks can't properly read your company file. Both internal (inside QuickBooks) and external (file location) factors may be to blame for this.

Let's review your vendor in addition to the procedures described above for checking and recreating data. To show this on the report, make sure to mark the vendors as 1099s.

  • Select Vendor Center from the Vendors menu.
  • Then you have to click the vendor's name twice.
  • On the Tax Settings tab, you have to click.
  • To check the box that says Vendor eligible for 1099, choose it.
  • Enter the vendor's tax ID in the corresponding field.
  • At last, you have to select OK
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Best Answer
James Antonio
Dec 12, 2022

If you logged in to the application separately in the other tabs, you can see blank pages. The proper technique to use multiple tabs is as follows: When logged into QuickBooks Online in one tab, navigate to the browser address bar, select, then copy the full website address.

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