I am working on QuickBooks desktop 2019 and I accidentally deleted a transaction that had been reconciled months ago. How do I fix this?

Apr 29, 2022 08:29 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks
Member Since Apr 2022
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I am working on QuickBooks desktop 2019 and I accidentally deleted a transaction that had been reconciled months ago. How do I fix this?

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James Antonio
Apr 29, 2022

If you erased transactions with the Reconciled status, you must recreate them. You can go through the Audit Log to get information from the transactions you removed. It's quite simple and just takes a few clicks. Look at this:

  1. Navigate to Gear, then Audit Log.
  2. Select the dates when the transactions were removed from the Filter drop-down menu, then select the Show just these occurrences radio option.
  3. Tick the Transactions checkbox, then click the Show drop-down menu and choose Deleted/Voided Transactions.
  4. Press the Apply button.
  5. Based on the filters you specified, the Audit log will now only show deleted transactions. Locate the deleted transactions in the list and select View.
  6. You can re-create the transaction using the information given below. Make sure to return the transaction status in the register to R, which stands for Reconciled.

It's really simple to alter the transaction's status back to Reconciled from within the register if you don't know-how. Take a look:

  1. Locate the transaction you just recreated in the account register.
  2. By clicking on the blank box in the column marked with a checkmark, you can change the reconciliation status to "R." Your transaction is reconciled when it has an R next to it.

That's all! Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to assist you; I'm committed to being your go-to QuickBooks Online resource.

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