System set up in a single-user mode and need it to be set up as multi-user. Quickbooks Desktop Pro 2020

May 02, 2022 11:32 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks Pro
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We have our system set up in a single-user mode and need it to be set up as multi-user. QuickBooks Desktop Pro 2020.

Please suggest some troubleshoot.

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May 02, 2022

Step 1:Set up the Multi-User Network in QuickBooks

The software and the corporate file will be hosted on the primary server system. The software will be installed on all other systems, known as workstations, but not the business file. All modifications to the business file made on any workstation will be synced with all other workstations in this manner.

It will be easier to share the corporate file over the network if you save it on your server's local hard disc. You may also use a mapped network drive to store your data.

Step 2: Set Folder Permissions

Allow the folder that holds the company file to be shared throughout the network. If you don't have this permission, you'll get network issues every time you try to access the company file.

To set folder permissions, follow the instructions below:

  • Log in to Windows as an administrator.
  • Open File Explorer.
  • Navigate to the folder that contains the company file.
  • Right-click on the empty area and select Properties.
  • Click on Sharing and then Select Share Add.
  • Select the QBDataServiceUserXX version that corresponds to your QuickBooks Desktop version.
  • Set permission level to Full Control for both users.

Step 3: Install QuickBooks Database Server Manager

Users may share their workplace data over a network using this free tool from Intuit. It simplifies multiuser mode configuration and keeps track of any modifications performed by various workstations.

To get QuickBooks database server management, go to this page. After that, you must set the firewall so that other workstations may access the business file without being interrupted:

  • Navigate to the Start menu. Select Windows Firewall from the Control Panel.
  • Select Advanced Settings from the drop-down menu.
  • To create a new rule, go to Inbound Rules and then New Rule.
  • After that, select Program and then Next.
  • Choose This Program Path from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Browse, locate the executable specified below, and then click Next.
  • Make a note of the selection for Allow the Connection Next Give the rule a name and a description.

Step 4: Need to Create Rules

You’ll have to create an outbound rule for all of the files. The steps are similar.

The files that you need to create rules for are mentioned below:

  • AutoBackupExe
  • Dbmlsync
  • DMManagerExe
  • File management
  • FileMovementExe
  • QuickBooksMEssaging
  • QBW32
  • QBDBMgrN
  • QBServerUtilityMgr
  • QBCFMonitorService
  • QBLaunch
  • QBUpdate
  • IntuitSyncManager
  • Online backup
  • All these files are executable (.exe). You may also need to create exceptions for ports in QuickBooks. Once you’ve finished creating both the inbound and outbound rules for each of the files mentioned above, restart your system.

You can now scan your QuickBooks company file using the database server manager.

Step 5: Enable Hosting

If QuickBooks' hosting mode is turned off after you've put everything up, you'll need to turn it on. The following are the measures to take:

Using an Admin Account, log in to QuickBooks Desktop. Select File from the main menu, then Utilities, then Host Multi-User Access, then Yes.

And you are done!

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