How to Find Unapplied Payments in QuickBooks?

QuickBooks plays a significant role for the bookkeepers when they find customers making entries for their payments without applying the […]

QuickBooks plays a significant role for the bookkeepers when they find customers making entries for their payments without applying the same to their accounts payable. Learn how to find unapplied payments in QuickBooks.

Unapplied payments mainly imply that you have performed the operation of receiving a payment yet it isn’t attached to an invoice.

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What are Unapplied Payments in my QuickBooks Account?

In honest terms, unapplied payments typically imply that the payment has been accepted but for some reasons, it is not attached with any specific invoice.

Take for example-if any specific customer has made an entry for a particular account but that did not enter into the books of accounts payable, it is termed as Unapplied Payment.

To know more, about: What is Unapplied Cash Payment Income in QuickBooks?

Why Does QuickBooks Show Unapplied Payments?

It might be confusing for you to understand the reason why QuickBooks show unapplied payments even after the credit memo, journal entry, and other payments are in place.

Here’s a list of possibilities for the appearance of unapplied payments in QuickBooks:

  • The occurrence of unapplied payments can take place when the credit memos may not be linked to the invoice.
  • Unlinked journal entries can again be a reason behind the appearance of unapplied payments.
  • Any other payments which might not be linked to the invoice can be the reason for unapplied payments.

Thus, even if the credit memos, journal entries, and other payments are in place, if they lack connectivity to the invoice, QuickBooks will show unapplied payments.

How to Find Unapplied Payments in QuickBooks?

You can find and sort the unapplied payments in QuickBooks even if you forget to link up the credit memos, journal entries, and other payments to the invoice.

This article provides you with all the steps in two sections required to find unapplied payments depending upon the version of QuickBooks you use.

Find Unapplied Payments in QuickBooks A/R Aging Online

Perform the following steps to find unapplied payments in QuickBooks A/R aging online:

  • Open the Customer Center page in QuickBooks on your machine.
  • Open Customer file.
  • Search for that particular invoice that shows unapplied payments in the customer file.
  • After you will find the option, Received Payments, click on it.
  • At this stage, may a time QuickBooks automatically opens the section for Received Payments and applies the invoice to the unapplied transactions.
  • All the details of the invoice should then be inspected by you carefully. You must make sure that there exist no other unapplied credit balances before saving any changes.
  • The transaction amount will then be displayed as zero.
  • Click on the Save option.
  • After the changes have been saved you can Close the tab.

Find Unapplied Payments in QuickBooks Enterprise, Premier & Pro

If you are a user of QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks Premiers, or QuickBooks Pro, then follow the steps given below to find unapplied payments:

  • Open the QuickBooks desktop and click on the Customer tab.
  • Select the Receive Payments option.
  • Type in the customer names which have unapplied payments.
  • Click on the Discount and Credits option to open the Discount window on your computer screen.
  • You can now apply the unapplied credit balances in the invoice. QuickBooks will automatically sort the credit balance for you.
  • All the details of the invoice should then be inspected by you carefully. You must make sure that there exist no other unapplied credit balances before saving any changes.
  • The transaction amount will be displayed as zero in this stage.
  • You can now simply save the changes by clicking on the Save option.
  • After the changes have been saved you can click on Close tab.

We expect that after going through this article, all your doubts regarding finding unapplied payments in QuickBooks have been cleared.

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Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

How can I Run an Open Invoice Report in QuickBooks?

You can also find the unapplied payments in QuickBooks by running an open Invoice Report. Perform the following steps to run an open invoice report:

Step 1: Open the QuickBooks Desktop and click on Reports.

Step 2: A drop-down menu will appear. You have to select Find Report by name from this menu.

Step 3: Mention the Open Invoices.

Step 4: To run the report, you are required to set its period.

Step 5: Finally, click on Run Reports to find the unapplied payments.

Step 6: From the Transaction Type column, you can check for the transaction that is marked as the payment.

What to do After I Find and also Fix Unapplied Payments in QuickBooks?

Once you have finished finding and fixing the unapplied payments in QuickBooks, you can simply run your report in which these payments might be causing issues. In this way, you can efficiently have a check if you are having any problems or issues in the report associated with unapplied payments. Apart from issues concerning unapplied payments, it acts as a check on any other problems that might be existing in the report. You can then fix any issue that occurs or connect with the QuickBooks helpdesk for assistance.

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