QuickBooks is the improvised solution for any accounting requirement or business requirement or any purpose of record keeping. The accuracy and efficiency are the most appreciated features. Whether the business is a start up or on a budding stage or has full fledged growth to count for. With the help of QuickBooks, you can do the calculation of millions just like that. Steps to import an excel file into QuickBooks Point of Sale.
Save Time, Reduce Errors, and Improve Accuracy
Dancing Numbers helps small businesses, entrepreneurs, and CPAs to do smart transferring of data to and from QuickBooks Desktop. Utilize import, export, and delete services of Dancing Numbers software.
When you are going to make collective changes in the existing data within your company file, then you can always import and export information. And what better integrated tool than Excel in your file. This is another best and most efficient way of updating your data. You would not choose to do it manually inside the software.
Steps to Updating Your Data in Your Company File
In order to do this task successfully, you should follow the templates and formats in order to prevent errors when updating or transferring a data file:
Step 1: Sign into the QuickBooks Account.
Step 2: You need to click on the “File” from the menu bar at the top.
Step 3: Then you need to click on the “Utilities options” visible in the drop-down menu.
Step 4: You need to choose the “Import action” to launch the Data Import Wizard and click “Next button.“
Step 5: After this, you should select the option button that corresponds with the type of data in the Excel spreadsheet. With this step, you will be getting the three choices which are as follows:
- Inventory Items
- Vendors
- Customers
Step 6: You need to click “Next” in order to proceed further.
Step 7: Then, you need to choose the option button labeled “Custom file.” With this approach, your flexibility will be increased at the time of translating spreadsheet headers to QuickBooks fields. Then you need to click “Next button” again.
Step 8: Locate and click on the “Browse button.” Then you can navigate and select your Excel workbook.
Step 9: Choose “Data is on sheet:” from the drop down labeled box and then you need to select the sheet that you want to import.
Step 10: If your chosen Excel sheet’s first row contains column headers, type “2.” Then you must enter a number in the box labeled as “Data starts on row.“
Step 11: You need to click the drop-down box labeled and choose file mapping. “Then, you need to click” to open the Mappings dialog box. With the help of this box, you can get all the suggestions for fields of your Excel file template.
Step 12: Click the drop-down boxes in the “Import Data:” column to select fields from the Excel spreadsheet. For example, QuickBooks “Item Description” field may correspond with your Excel sheet’s “Desc.” field.
Step 13: Click “Save” to close the Mappings dialog box. Then you need to click the “Next key” twice for opening the wizard’s final screen.
Step 14: Click “Import.“
Tip of the Day: Importing the data through the excel file requires the usage of the Default Template. It can be exported from POS. You can also import up to 65,000 rows at a time.
In addition to this, you can also convert .csv files to excel files. All you need to do is to just open the .csv file then you need to go to File menu and press Save as button. After this, you can choose Excel Workbook in Save as type drop-down.
Here is the lists that can be easily exported from QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale to Excel:
- Inventory Items
- Employees
- Customers
- Vendors
- Departments
- Export data
Requirements for the Import Excel without Errors:
- In your excel file, there should be no dashes or any of the empty excel fields
- You can sort and remove empty rows and columns
- In case you wish to keep the hidden columns, it is better to keep a copy of the record sand remove the hidden columns from the one file.
- There should be no usage of formulas, hyperlinks, and special characters i.e.: @,#,$,%,&,*
- A smart choice will be to use “clear contents” rather than using deleting info separately
- If you have difficulty importing specific columns from your spreadsheet, then the first thing is to verify that the column cells are formatted correctly to work with the Data Import wizard.
- You also need to freeze the headers of the spreadsheet to scroll down while viewing headers
- Using Page Up and Page Down keys will be another wise choice instead of scrolling with mouse
Process of Import Excel File into QuickBooks Point of Sale
- In QuickBooks Desktop Point of Sale, First of all you need to go to File
- Then you need to click on the Utilities and then hit the Import button.
- It will bring forth the Data Import Wizard and you can select the Next.
- Then you need to select the type of data in order to import then click on Next button again.
- Choose the Default template on how you wish to import the data and then you can open the Import Template.
If you wish to have a Different Excel file Template for Importing the Data
Then you need to choose the Custom file and then hit the Next action tab.
To use a custom made template, you need to locate your saved template. Then you need to ensure to select the correct worksheet tab and the correct row where the data was initiated.
For this, Here’s the path:
- Select Choose File Mapping
- Add or Select Mapping
- Manage Mappings.
- After Mapping is Completed, Select Save.
- Choose the Next Button and you will be taken Forward with the Help of the Prompt to Start the Import.
- You again have to select Next and follow the Prompt to take you to the required Popup.
- After the Import Wizard Checks the Import File, Select Import.
- Close the Wizard.
Accounting Professionals, CPA, Enterprises, Owners
Looking for a professional expert to get the right assistance for your problems? Here, we have a team of professional and experienced team members to fix your technical, functional, data transfer, installation, update, upgrade, or data migrations errors. We are here at Dancing Numbers available to assist you with all your queries. To fix these queries you can get in touch with us via a toll-free number
+1-800-596-0806 or chat with experts.