ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration: Connect with QuickBooks Desktop & Online

October 19, 2022

ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration

ConnectWise Manage and QuickBooks can be integrated for simple business management. With QuickBooks, you can manage your usual business finances as well. You may manage business partners and even download your financial information from your ConnectWise account to your QuickBooks account due to the excellent integration of QuickBooks and ConnectWise.

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Instead of getting bogged down in the minutiae of keeping books of accounts, QuickBooks accounting enables you to keep your attention on expanding your business. With that said, let’s examine the “ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration” process and its motivations.

One of the most popular financial management tools, especially for small firms, is the QuickBooks edition. Advanced tools and features are built into the software to help users with their accounting and financial processes. With the ConnectWise tool, connecting your financial data is simple and takes only a short amount of time.

You may greatly improve your company’s worth by integrating QuickBooks with ConnectWise Manage. You may update QuickBooks and export financial data from ConnectWise Manage, including invoices, expenses, bills, accounting, and estimates. Additionally, you may maintain organization and balance in your book without wasting any of your precious time. You will learn about several benefits of ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration in this blog post, including a simple and quick approach to complete this integration.

About QuickBooks Desktop

An on-premises accounting system for businesses serving a variety of industries, QuickBooks Desktop ERP software. With industry-specific editions and features tailored to business requirements, QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise software functions like an ERP system from Intuit. QuickBooks Desktop’s software add-ons further resemble ERP (enterprise resource planning).

A complete accounting system, QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise is made to expand with small businesses. The program offers features for tracking sales, managing inventory, creating reports, and processing payroll. Additionally, QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise offers business-specific options for contractors, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturers, and nonprofits.

With QuickBooks Enterprise, customers can set up distinct user roles and permissions for each team member, ensuring that everyone has access to the data they require while keeping sensitive information secret. The Advanced Inventories tools let QuickBooks users manage and track their inventory. Users of Enhanced Pick, Pack, and Ship may control workflows for order fulfillment from a single dashboard. Additionally, users may manage product movements and locations, automatically upload inventory counts from various warehouses, generate custom inventory reports, and scan barcodes while picking up or receiving goods.

The Advanced Pricing feature in QuickBooks Enterprise enables customers to automate, control, and modify their pricing. Users can construct price rules using any combination of goods, suppliers, customers, classes, and custom fields, and they can enable manufacturer markdowns, quantity discounts, and price adjustments by class, and timed promotions. To reduce manual data entry errors, Advanced Reporting offers customers industry-specific template bundles that are pre-filled with firm data.

About QuickBooks Online

To handle income and expenses and maintain tabs on their financial situation, small businesses most frequently utilize QuickBooks. Customer invoices, bill payments, report generation, and tax preparation are all possible. Several solutions, including QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Desktop, QuickBooks Payroll, and QuickBooks Time, are part of the QuickBooks product line and can be used to meet various business needs.

With the help of QuickBooks Online, Financial management software runs on the cloud. With its assistance, you can manage your business finances more quickly by doing things like:

  • Developing quotes and invoices
  • Monitoring the cash flow and sales
  • Taking care of your clients and suppliers
  • Keeping track of your taxes and simplifying tax returns
  • Understanding the performance of your business
  • Budgeting and forward planning

You can manage and examine every aspect of your business with the aid of QuickBooks Online Plus. With job costing, it’s simple to keep tabs on wages, expenses, and labor costs. With simple dashboards and reports, you can see a project’s profitability. Even your stock and inventory can be managed.

System Requirement of ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration

When you combine your QuickBooks with ConnectWise, you must adhere to a few system requirements. You must fulfill certain conditions before ConnectWise may integrate your QuickBooks data. The list of requirements to integrate ConnectWise with your QuickBooks is as follows:

  • An adequate Internet connection speed is essential.
  • The accounting software ought to work for you.
  • To access the accounting capabilities you desire, you must enter your user ID credentials in the ConnectWise application.
  • To configure ConnectWise Manage, you must have authorization to use the REST API.
  • Your Manage software needs to be configured with login information that can access the Accounting functionalities. Your Manage software’s Accounting Package needs to be configured as well.
  • Look below at ConnectWise Manage Configuration.
  • Your Manage software needs to be configured with login information that can access the REST API. Look below at ConnectWise Manage Configuration.
  • You must already have a login for your QuickBooks Online account set up.
  • Internet Access: Access to the Internet is necessary.
  • To access the necessary accounting capabilities, you must use user ID credentials with the ConnectWise application.
  • The accounting software should be set up.
  • You would require the credentials to access the REST API in order to set up the ConnectWise Manage software.
  • A working internet connection is required.

Setup of ConnectWise Manage Login to Access QuickBooks

The login information for a Manage member that is still utilized by the website to access the accounting information system must be mentioned when configuring ConnectWise. The member’s login information or that of a new member created specifically for usage with Connect may be used as the credentials.

If the Member is unable to deal with the accounting data, the role should be assigned so that the user can access the General Ledger interface. The “Role ID” field is pre-installed and can be adjusted to Finance, Executive, or Admin level positions.

If you need to construct your own instead of utilizing the default, make sure that the Add Level, Edit Level, Delete Level, and Inquire Level security role levels settings are all set to All on the Finance Module interface of the accounting software.

You can get in touch with the Dancing Numbers team for additional details about ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration. They are reachable by phone or email through the Consultant option. For immediate assistance, select the live chat consultant.

Connect Manage Configuration

Before utilizing Mobius Connect, make sure Manage is set up to provide the site access to the accounting system and REST API.

Manage Configuration Sign in to use QuickBooks.

  • You must provide login information for a Manage member when setting up Mobius Connect so that the site may access Manages accounting system. This member could be a new member made especially for Mobius Connect or it could be the login of the user who will run Mobius Connect.
  • For the Member to work with accounting data, a security role with access to the GL Interface must be assigned to them. In a default installation, “Finance,” “Executive” or “Admin” must be entered in the “Role ID” column.
  • The Member cannot interact with accounting data unless they have been given a security role that grants access to the GL Interface. A default installation requires that the “Role ID” column be specified to “Finance,” “Executive,” or “Admin.”
  • Make sure that the security role levels setting for “Add Level,” “Edit Level,” “Delete Level,” and “Inquire Level” in the Finance Module is set to “All” if you choose to create your own role rather than utilizing the Manage defaults.
  • In the System Module, confirm that the “Inquire Level” setting for the “API Reports” line has the “All” security role level selected.

Getting Manage Set up to Use the ConnectWise REST API

In addition to the Manage Accounting System, Mobius Connect also requires credentials to access the REST API. In order to use the REST API, you can choose between two options: API Key and Member Impersonation.

Authentication using API Key

To configure API Key Authentication, go to the “API Keys” tab on the member setup for Accounting System access in Manage. By entering a description and clicking Save, a Public/Private key-pair will be created. Since the Private Key won’t be displayed after closing the API Keys page, you should save it somewhere.

Authentication Against MemberImpersonation

To configure MemberImpersonation Authentication, you need to open the Integrator Login setup table by selecting System > Setup Tables and looking for “Integrator Login” in Manage. Click the button to establish a new Integrator Login. After entering a Username and Password, enable the “Member API” by selecting “All records” as the Access Level, and then click.

Setting Up the General Ledger Accounts

The General Ledger Accounts for your business must be properly configured in order for Manage to provide the integration application with the necessary data. The specifics of this setting are outside the purview of this text because the majority of the process is unique to your company.

Accounting Package Configuration

The Accounting Package must be configured after your accounts have been set up; it provides instructions on how to handle your transactions and export them to your QuickBooks accounts:

  • Navigate to your system first, and then select Setup Tables.
  • On the Setup Table List screen, pick General Ledger from the Category drop-down menu.
  • Then select the “Search” tab.
  • Then, choose “Accounting Package” from the Table field.
  • Change the choice for “Accounting Package Setup” to “Other” now.
  • Make sure the “Sales Tax Options” box’s “Sales Tax option” checkbox is present.
  • Be careful to check “Expense: Transfer as Bill?” if you wish to export expenditures as bills.
  • Otherwise, expenses will be exported to QuickBooks as Expenses.
  • You must also confirm that the “Inventory SOH Option” checkbox is selected.
  • Under “Accounting Segments,” select the maximum number of segments a corporate account may have.
  • And finally, if you wish to use Classes, add a new segment.
  • If you plan to use Classes, make sure each segment has a section of type “Account” and add one section of type “Class” as well.
  • Finally, Press the “Save” button.

Benefits of Integrating QuickBooks with ConnectWise

You can gain a number of advantages through ConnectWise QuickBooks integration. The following is a list of benefits you can anticipate:

  • The entire transaction is checked as part of the batch to ensure that the data being entered into QuickBooks is accurate.
  • Payment: Using your ConnectWise managing account, you can easily make payments for your invoices inside of QuickBooks.
  • Synchronize the Payments: This feature enables ConnectWise Manage to update the payment status from QuickBooks to display the most recent balance for each customer.
  • Consultant Multiple Currency: With ConnectWise’s QuickBooks interface, if you work with multiple currencies, you can manage them with ease.
  • Automatic Creation: The ConnectWise and QuickBooks interface can generate a list of fresh clients and suppliers for any records that don’t already have them. You don’t even need to move a finger because everything is automatic.
  • Single Record Batches: Each and every transaction is individually batched to QuickBooks, and these results in a single record batch. It makes it simpler to un-batch the transactions when needed.
  • Sync Entire Transactions: With this option, you may quickly sync all pending items when viewing transactions.
  • Multiple QuickBooks Accounts: If you need to handle QuickBooks for a number of clients, ConnectWise’s QuickBooks connection will let you manage all of these different accounts at once. To speed up the processing even more, you can specify ConnectWise Manage locations.
  • Sync all the Statistics: When you link QuickBooks to ConnectWise, you can view your company’s data in a variety of visually appealing graphs. This makes it easier for you to examine the transaction that is part of your batches.
  • Combined Consultant: You can communicate instantly with your consultant using a form that will automatically attach to your log data for review.
  • Sync all the Statistics: By connecting QuickBooks and ConnectWise, you may view the statistics for your business in a variety of eye-catching graphs. You can inspect the transaction that is a part of your batches more easily as a result.
  • Combined Consultant: A form that will immediately connect to your log data for review allows you to communicate instantly with your consultant.
  • Transaction Validation: Throughout the batch, every transaction is examined to make sure that the information entering QuickBooks is accurate.
  • Automation Creation: Using the QuickBooks and ConnectWise interface, a list of new clients and suppliers can be created for any data that did not previously exist. You won’t have to do anything for this to happen automatically.
  • Synchronize Payments: You can import payment data from QuickBooks into ConnectWise Manage using this feature, giving you access to the most recent balance for each customer.
  • Single Record Batches: Every transaction is individually batch processed before being sent to QB as a single record batch. It makes it easier to unbatch transactions as necessary.
  • Several QuickBooks Accounts: The ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration enables you to manage multiple QuickBooks accounts for a sizable number of clients. Even ConnectWise sites can be used to expedite the procedure.
  • Sync Complete Transactions: When you link QuickBooks to ConnectWise, you may access data about your business through enticing graphics. This enables you to carefully review the transactions in your batches.
  • Combined Assistance: An online form that will instantly attach to your log data for review allows you to contact your consultant right away.

Triggers and Actions


New/Updated Contact
Triggers when a contact is created or updated.
New/Updated Ticket
Triggers when a service ticket is created and/or updated.
New/Updated Project
Triggers when a project is created or updated.
New Account
Triggers when you add a new account.
New Bill
Triggers when a new bill is added.
New Customer
Triggered when you add a new customers.
New Estimate
Triggered when you add a new estimate.
New Expense
Triggers when a new expense is added.
New Invoice
Triggered when you add a new invoice.
New Invoice
Triggered when you add a new invoice (with line item support)
New Sales Receipt
Triggered when a new sales receipt is added (with line item support)
New Payment
Triggered when a payment is received (with line item support).
New Purchase Order
Triggers when a new purchase order is added.
New Sales Report
Triggered when a new sales receipt is added.
Updated Customer
Triggered when an existing customer in updated.
New Vendor
Triggered when a new vendor is added.


Create Company
Creates a new company.
Create Ticket Note
Create a service note or ticket note.
Create Contact
Creates a new contact.
Create Ticket
Creates a new service desk or project ticket.
Find Contact
Find a contact by name, email, or other parameter.
Update Ticket
Updates an existing service or project ticket.
Find Contact
Find a contact by name, email or other parameter. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Company
Find a company by Company ID. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Ticket
Find a ticket by ID, Summary, or other parameter. Optionally, create one if none are found.
Find Ticket
Find a ticket by ID, Summary, or other parameter.
Create Bill (Item Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer.
Create Bill (Account Based)
Create a new bill, optionally tied to a customer (with line item support).
Create Customer
Adds a new customer.
Create Estimate
Create a new estimate (with line item support).
Create Expense
Creates a new expense using check, cash or credit card.
Create Product/Service
Creates a new product or service.
Create Journal Entry
Creates a new journal entry.
Create Invoice
Adds a new invoice (with line item support).
Create Purchase Order
Creates a new purchase order.
Create Refund Receipt
Creates a new refund receipt.
Send Invoice
Send an existing invoice.
Send Sales Receipt
Send an existing sales receipt.
Create Time Activity
Created a new single time activity.
Update Customer
Updates an existing customer.
Update Invoice
Updates an existing invoice (with line item support).
Create Vendor
Adds a new vendor.
Find Account
Find an account by name.
Find Customer
Find a customer by name or email address.
Find Invoice
Find an invoice by number.
Find Product(s)
Find a product by name (with line item support)
Find Vendor
Find a vendor by name.
Find or Create Customer
Finds or creates a specific customer v2.
Find or Create Vendor
Finds or creates a specific vendor.

ConnectWise QuickBooks Integration has been a fantastic setup for many years. For integrating their activities and producing profit reports, QuickBooks has proven to be dependable software. Additionally, the integration between the two is seamless if you use ConnectWise. We hope that you can get detailed information in this article. But if you have any query, then connect with Dancing Numbers team via LIVE CHAT.

Accounting Professionals, CPA, Enterprises, Owners
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+1-800-596-0806 or chat with experts.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

Does ConnectWise Integrate with QuickBooks?

You can instantly import your ConnectWise Manage accounting data into your QuickBooks Online account using Mobius Connect.

Can You Integrate with QuickBooks Desktop?

You can create desktop software solutions that interact with QuickBooks Desktop using the QuickBooks SDK (QBXML SDK).

What Programs are Compatible with QuickBooks?

• Expense management is de-mystified by Expensify.
• Building Customer Relationships with Insightly Time Management App
• The Best Time Tracking App Method is Provided by QuickBooks Time: CRM Is the Only CRM With a Two-Way Sync with QuickBooks Is SOS Supply Offers Webgility Manufacturing Management Assistance Streamlines Product Sales Records
• Delivering Practical Self-Employed Advice
• Hubdoc organizes your paperwork, and Fathom examines your company’s environment.

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