Facing errors code 6123 in QuickBooks 2019

Apr 29, 2022 08:48 AM 1 Answers QuickBooks
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Facing errors code 6123 in QuickBooks 2019

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Apr 29, 2022

Here, you can find the best possible solution to fix this error issue. Pick any one of the following guides according to your error-occurring issue.

Solution 1: Download the QuickBooks File Doctor

  1. In the first step, you have to download and run the QuickBooks File Doctor Tool.
  2. Now you have to find the QuickBooks company file.
  3. Select the “Check File Damage Only” option and hit the click on the “Diagnose File” option.
  4. After that, Type-in in into the section of Admin Password and then hit the click on the Ok button.
  5. Enter the next click on the “Open File” option in the most recent release or go with “Repair File” in the current version.

Or you can use below given method,

Solution 2: Rename the.ND file along with.TLG file

  1. The first thing you have to do to open the folder at the place where your company file is saved.
  2. Then, select the coordinated.ND file of your organization.
  3. Now, hit the right-click on the “Company File” and then select the Rename option.
  4. You are all set to change the name.ND file to the .ND.OLD you have also another option to choose. TLG file and then change the name of.TLG file.
  5. Change the name.TLG file to.TLG.OLD.
  6. Then open your QuickBooks company file.

Step 3: Change your company file to Another Location

  1. In any case, if you are unable, to begin with, your QuickBooks company file
  2. After implementing the above solutions then try to transfer the file to another place and start processing.
  3. If you still find the host connection is being utilized by you, then copy that selected file from the system and then open it.
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