QuickBooks Desktop TLG File Issue

Published Date: May 14, 2021   Updated Date: September 25, 2024

The QuickBooks Transactional Log File keeps a track of all the changes which are going to be made to the company file (.qbw) prior to getting recorded in the particular company file.

It is kept in the same folder where the company file is kept and is automatically created by QuickBooks.

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What is the QuickBooks TLG file?

Transaction log files act as one of the QuickBooks file types that are created when a user opens a particular company in a new location. It comprises duplicate files of .QBW, however, the main file is saved in .QBW file.

The TLG logs keep a track of all the editions made to a company file. It is not possible to convert a TLG file into a company file nor can you open the .TLG file.

In case your data file misplaces the connection to the.TLG file, QuickBooks, by default creates a new one. If a certain section of the transaction was registered to the company file but the entire transaction is available in the.TLG file, the transaction will be finished the next time the particular file is opened in QuickBooks.

Why TLG File Errors occur?

A TLG file is of no use in the regular QuickBooks day-to-day tasks. It does not impact any other task. The main reason you need the TLG files is data restoration and recovering data from a damaged company file.

A TLG file error occurs because of the following reasons:

  • Damaged QBWUSER.INI file
  • Corrupted program files
  • The company file name is too long
  • QuickBooks Desktop not updated as per the latest release
  • A wrong version of QuickBooks used
  • QBW file location issues
  • Corrupted Windows operating system
  • Corrupted QuickBooks data
  • Contradicting *QBW.tlg file

How to fix the TLG File Error?

Often it happens that you open your particular QuickBooks software and choose the file you wish to work on, but it fails to open due to an error code. Such error codes look like this:

  • QuickBooks was open the file on the host computer. Try running the QuickBooks Server Manager on the host computer and open the file on your computer or open the file with QuickBooks on the host computer.
  • Error 6190, 82: QuickBooks could not open the file on the host (while opening the particular file on a Linux Server)
  • Error 6190, 816: QuickBooks cannot open the company file.

Such Errors are Caused due to TLG File Errors.

When such an error occurs, deleting the TLG file is often the only solution left. Doing so will not make you lose all the data in the file, however, the data required to completely restore the old backup file may be missing, hence delete them when it I required and no other option is left.

Here is how you delete the TLG file and fix the TLG file error:

Step 1: Delete the TLG file which is the main issue.

Step 2: Give a new name to the QuickBooks file by altering the file name in the particular file directory. Change at least/ minimum one character.

Step 3: Open the renamed file and a new TLG will be formed.

Note: This file will have no errors and will open without it.

Note: Before you begin with the troubleshooting process, you must ensure the following points:

  • Ensure that the problem is not with the program but with the company file
  • QuickBooks Desktop program must not be corrupted
  • Make sure that QuickBooks in use is updated to the latest release
  • Only a single computer device must host the company file

By following the steps given above, it is expected that users will be able to get rid of the problem easily and then continue with their business transactions.

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When the Transaction Log File is reset?

The transactional log file is reset when:

• The user restores a portable company file (.qbm)
• You have complete a manual backup successfully in QuickBooks
• The transaction log file and company file is a mismatch

How TLG file becomes bigger than the QuickBooks Company file?

Since the transaction log file is reset under particular scenarios, it may grow big in size than the QuickBooks Company file.

Why do we need to Remove Large TLG files?

Large transaction log file can have a bad effect on the QuickBooks performance, hence it is crucial to take care of it. In tune with this, the.TLG files should be removed at the user’s request.

Is it necessary to keep the TLG Files in the same directory where the QuickBooks Company Files are?

Yes. It is necessary to keep the TLG files in the same directory where the QuickBooks company files are.

Can a Damaged Operating System give rise to a TLG file issue?

In case the Windows operating system that is installed on the computer becomes corrupted, the QuickBooks company file will not open. Hence, experts recommend that to avoid this, make sure that the Windows Operating system is always usable and good.

Can damaged Program Files lead to the not opening of QuickBooks files?

Damaged or corrupted program files are one of the primary and common reasons why QuickBooks cannot open a certain company file. Hence, it is always recommended to check if the program files are corrupted or not before commencing.

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