Import Discount Items into QuickBooks Desktop

Published Date: August 14, 2022   Updated Date: September 25, 2024

Import Discount Items into QuickBooks Desktop

QuickBooks accounting software provides you with the ease of importing and exporting data to save more time. You can easily import the items from the supportable file formats into QuickBooks Desktop through Dancing Numbers software. Locate the website to get the direct link to download this useful software. In this article, you will understand in detail how to import discount items into QuickBooks Desktop. Don’t worry about the compatibility issue of the software; it supports all the latest QuickBooks editions.

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How to Import Discount Items into QuickBooks Desktop

Here are the steps to import discount items into QuickBooks Desktop with the DancingNumbers software.

  • Firstly, you need to open the dashboard display search in the file menu for the Import button, and click on it
  • Then discover the File Selection button on the screen
  • After this choose the QuickBooks Transaction Type option like Item Discount
  • Now Browse the file by clicking on the Browse File button
  • Choose the file from the local system folder, or you can choose Sample Templates if you want to view the default sample file in the local folder
  • The next step is to set up the Mapping of the file columns matching to QuickBooks fields; this mapping process will take place automatically if you use the Dancing Numbers Template File.
  • Download the sample Template file
  • Once all the above steps, now preview the file data through the Review Grid screen
  • After this, click on the Send to QuickBooks button to upload the selected files into the company files of QuickBooks Desktop.

Go through the below table with a detailed description of Mapping fields before beginning the import setting.

Mapping fields before beginning the import discount items

Go ahead with Details of “Mapping Fields” through the Below-Given Table



Item Name

Str up to 31 Characters

It is mandatory to display the name of the discount item without a parent.

Parent Full Name


It contains the item’s parent name

Is Active


It displays the status of the item whether it is true or false

Class Ref Full Name

Str up to 159 characters

It displays the name of the class or category of an item appearing in the QuickBooks field

Sales Tax Code Full Name

Str 3

It shows whether the item is taxable or non-taxable for US editions


Str up to 4095

It describes items utilized on the sale forms

Discount Rate Percentage


It shows the percentage of the discount per item

Discount Amount


It specifies the price in the dollar for instance dollar rate, i.e., 6 for a discount of $6

Account Full Name

Str up to 159 characters

This field describes the Full Account name associated with an item that is to be stored against the rate of Goods Sold

Barcode ValueStr up to 50 characters

Item’s Barcode

Perform the Import Settings:

Groups of customization are available along with import settings for your company data. You can discover them while reviewing your file, you have to click on the import screen or directly hit the Edit menu located in the menu bar. Here are some highlighting settings useful for the transaction:

  • Discover the Matching Transaction through an identifier used for locating the already existing transaction
  • If any matching transaction is found, then take action like you can click on any of the buttons as per your preference. The button is available to display an Update/Warning of the already existing transaction.
  • Check the complete file before proceeding with the import process. You can enable the Pre-Import Validation function to let it clean the issue before importing the transactions. However, this might take a few minutes, but it smooths the import process.

That’s all about how to import the discount items into QuickBooks Desktop. Hopefully, this information becomes a helping hand to make you more confident to begin the import process. Stay updated with to get useful information on importing transactions into QuickBooks.

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