How to Set up QuickBooks Time in QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Online Payroll

Published Date: December 27, 2022   Updated Date: April 30, 2024

Set Up QuickBooks Time with QuickBooks Online

Your employees can use QuickBooks Time to log their time if they have QuickBooks Online Plus, Essentials, or Advanced as well as QuickBooks Online Payroll Premium or Elite. The time is then transferred into QuickBooks for invoicing, payroll, and other purposes.

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In this article, you will learn how to properly configure QuickBooks Time with the help of QuickBooks Online Payroll or QuickBooks Online.

How to Set up QuickBooks Time with your QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Online Payroll

Step 1: Launch the QuickBooks Time Account

Before you get started, you should know that only the QuickBooks Online Payroll Elite and Premium have the QuickBooks Time option.

  • You should go to Apps in the QuickBooks Online.
  • You should choose Launch after searching for “QuickBooks Time“.
  • You have to decide whether you want to opt for QuickBooks Time Elite or Premium. Then you have to add it to your subscription or you have the option of starting a 30-day trial for free.

Following this, you can start the setup. What you have to do is go to the Time tab and choose Launch QuickBooks Time. Your QuickBooks Time account will automatically get data from QuickBooks Online. There are only a few bits of data that require manual setup.

Note: If you do not see this option, then you have to upgrade the Payroll account or get in touch with the expert team for integration of the current QuickBooks Time account.

Step 2: Set up Pay Period and Overtime Settings

When you go through these steps, you have to make sure that the data you enter in QuickBooks Time is congruent with what is present in QuickBooks Online.

Configure Pay Intervals

  • Go to Company Settings in QuickBooks Time.
  • Then choose Pay Period under Payroll & Overtime.
  • Choose your Pay Period Schedule, then click Save.

Configure Overtime Tracking

  • Go to Company Settings in QuickBooks Time.
  • Then click Overtime under Payroll & Overtime.
  • Make your choices, then click Save.
  • Choose Use Pay Rate Engine to put up more complex overtime settings if you want more specific overtime regulations.

Step 3: Review the Time Mapping and Payroll Item

Note: You will only get access to this option if you have the active payroll subscription feature.

The corresponding time type in QuickBooks Time is immediately mapped to your payroll items from QuickBooks. An “overtime” payroll item, for instance, will correspond to the “overtime” time type. Check the automated mapping again and make any necessary revisions to ensure that time is sent to payroll with the appropriate pay rates.

  • Choose Preferences from the QuickBooks Payroll menu in QuickBooks Time.
  • Select the Payroll Item Mapping Tool under Other Options.
  • Select a name for an employee on the Map Employees tab.
  • Pick one payroll item from each column for each hour type. The choices are automatically stored.

Note: You will get further detailed mapping options by mapping payroll items to service items or class types.

Step 4: Add the Team and Time Tracking Options

Note: Every minute, QuickBooks Time will automatically import updates and changes from QuickBooks Online. The automated imports will have an (Auto) next to them in the sync log. If necessary, a manual import may still be done by choosing Import from the QuickBooks dropdown menu in QuickBooks Time.

Adding More Individuals to Track Time

New contractors and workers are instantly added to QuickBooks Time when you add them to QuickBooks Online. They are located in QuickBooks Time’s My Team section.

  • Select Time, then Time team.
    • Select Add Employee to add an employee.
      • Add an Employee by filling out the required fields.
  • Select Add contractor to add a contractor.
    • Select Add Your First Contractor or Add a Contractor from the Expenses page.
    • Add the contractor after filling out the required fields.

Adding Other Tracking Options into QuickBooks Time

Your team members may monitor their time against other choices like Billable Items, Service Items, or Classes.

  • You have to select the QuickBooks menu, followed by Preferences in the QuickBooks Time.
  • You have to make the choices:
    • Customers & Sub-customers: On timesheets, a client selection is necessary. These clients can be assigned later.
    • Service Items: You have to include service items on timesheets
    • Billable Yes/No Choice: Indicate whether timesheets are billable or not. You may utilize billable timesheets while creating invoices in QuickBooks.
      • Require Billable Yes/No Choice: Before the clock-out occurs, you need the billable choice.
    • Class: A class selection is mandatory on timesheets.
  • The choices are automatically stored. Those items will automatically import from QuickBooks Online to QuickBooks Time according to the parameters you choose.

Step 5: Invite Team Members to Track Time

With QuickBooks Time, you and your team members can keep track of and manage their time in a variety of ways. You will find options for yourself and others.

  • Select Time, then Time team.
  • Invite team members by selecting Invite team members.
  • Choose whether to invite team members via text or email.
  • Invite (#) Team members or Send invitations.

Make sure Your Employee Sees the Invite

You’ll need to invite your employees to QuickBooks Time before they can start tracking time:

  • The invitation will be sent via text message.
  • Please accept the invitation.
  • If they haven’t already done so, they should create a user ID and password.
  • QuickBooks Workforce can be downloaded here.

What Are the Options Available for Tracking Time for Yourself?

Clock in, Clock out on QuickBooks Time Web and Switch Jobs or Customers

  • Sign in to QuickBooks Time in the web browser.
  • Adopt one of the following actions on TimeClock.
    • Select Clock In after picking a job or customer from the list. The task timer starts monitoring your time.
    • Simply choose Clock In if there are no listed tasks or clients.
  • You may change your task or customer at any time during the day by selecting it from the list and choosing Switch.
  • Select Clock Out after you are done using Time Clock.

Clock in, Clock out on QuickBooks Time Mobile and Switch Jobs or Customers

Android and iPhone

  • Click on the QuickBooks Time icon.
  • Sign in if necessary.
  • Select Customer or Select Job by tapping.
  • From the list, choose. A window with a time clock appears.
    • When work is shown under “Select a Job,” you may favorite the ones you use the most by touching the star symbol to the right of the job. Then, hit Favorites (#) to have easy access.
    • Jobs near your current location will show up under Nearby at the top of the “Select a Job” list as long as addresses are connected to jobs. You will be required to activate location services on your device if they are not currently enabled to utilize this function.
  • Tap and fill out any other fields that are necessary, such as Notes.
  • Click Clock In. Your timer will now start to run.
  • Tap Switch whenever you want to switch to a new job or client for the day.
  • Tap the work or customer that is presently visible, choose another from the list, and then tap Save in the top right corner.
  • Tap Clock Out when you are finished working.

Clock In and Out via QuickBooks Time Clock Kiosk

How to Clock In

Once you sign in, you have to perform the following action:

  • You have to tap on Clock In if there are no jobs or customers displayed.
  • If you have to clock into a particular work or customer, press Select Job/Customer, choose what you want, and then tap Clock In. (If necessary, touch the arrow to drill down to the appropriate sub-job at the right.)
  • To clock into your most recent job or client, select Clock In to [job].
  • If required, add remarks or complete any additional fields. You must press “Wait, I’m not done” to continue.

The window displays “Have a great day.”

How to Switch Jobs or Customers

  • You have to tap on Switch after signing in.
  • Select the appropriate job by tapping the previous job in the job field, then touch Switch once again. (If necessary, tap the arrow to the appropriate sub-job on the right.)
  • You will get to see the “You’re good to go” window.

How to Take a Break

  • You have to tap on Take Break after you sign in, and select the break style.
  • You will notice the “Have a Good Break” window.

How to Clock Out

  • After logging in, complete any required fields, notes, or additional information.
  • Next, choose Clock Out.
  • You will get to see the “Goodbye” windows.

Enter Your Hours in QuickBooks Time on a Computer Without Clocking In

Use Manual Time Card to Enter the Total Hours Served in a Day

  • Select the Manual Time Card tab under Time Entries.
  • Decide on a date range.
  • If you are inputting hours worked for someone else, Click Switch User in the top right corner and type their name. (Take note that only managers and administrators can enter time for other team members.)
  • Choose (no job) or (no customer) from the list if you track time against a job or customer.
  • To enter the number of hours worked, choose inside the cell. (For instance, use 8.5 or 8:30 to enter 8 1/2 hours.)
  • Enter your notes for that day if you’d like to in the Notes box below.
  • Hours and notes should be added each day.
  • Choose Save before moving on to a new week.

Use Add Time to Enter Clock-in and Clock-out Times

  • Select Timesheets from Time Entries.
  • Select + Add Time from the Timesheets window’s top menu.
  • Select Save after entering a name and the remaining data.

How to Enter Employee Time in QuickBooks

No matter if you own a big or a small business house, you need to keep track of all employees working for you. To create their paychecks, you must know how to enter employee time. In QuickBooks, you can use timesheets to do this job. You can also use the same timesheets to create a customer’s invoice.

You can enter time directly into your company file using two different methods. Both methods enable you to track employee time. You can choose whichever method suits you better. Also, you can switch from one method to another at any time. The two methods are:

  • Single activities when they occur
  • All the hours for each job on weekly timesheets

Single Activities

  • You should look for the Employees menu and choose Enter Time. Now, you should click Time/Enter Single Activity.
  • The next step for you is to enter the date the work was performed and the name of the person who performed the work.
  • Also, Enter Customer: Job and Service Item.
  • Now, In the Duration field, You should enter the number of hours worked on this date and this job.


You should use the Stopwatch.

  • If you plan not to invoice your customer for this time, you should clear the Billable checkbox.
  • You should click the Payroll Item drop-down list and change the item if required.
  • Now, In the Class drop-down list, You should enter the name of the class you want to associate with this activity. However, this is optional.
  • If you want then, In the Notes field, You can enter any additional information about this activity.
  • To close this, you should save all information for this activity.

Weekly Timesheets

Please note that you must enable time tracking to fill in a timesheet. For this,

  • You should go to the Employees menu, click Enter Time, and then click Use Weekly Timesheet.
  • Now, you should enter the name of the person who performed the work and press Tab.
  • If for this person, already there is some existing time data for this week, it will be displayed on the screen. You can edit the entries.
  • If necessary, you should change the date range of the week displayed:
    • To change to the previous week, you should click Previous. To change to the next week, you should click Next.
    • To change to any other week, you should click the calendar icon by the Week Of field and enter a date in the week you want to display.
  • You should also enter the Customer: Job and Service Item.
  • In the Payroll Item field, you should change the item, if required.


You should ensure to have set up the employee’s earnings items correctly in the employee record if the employee earns overtime. Otherwise, the overtime rate might not be calculated correctly.

The article highlights how you can configure QuickBooks Time with QuickBooks Online. You get to know about the steps in detail. In addition to this, you learn the various methods of Tracking Time for yourself.

You can ask any question of a professional QuickBooks expert if you find it hard to understand the steps.

Get in touch with our Dancing Numbers expert team via LIVE CHAT if you have further questions about setting up QuickBooks Time with QuickBooks Online.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to Clock In and Clock Out on QuickBooks Time Mobile (QuickBooks Time Touch)?

How to Enter Your Hours via Android or iPhone Devices Without Clocking in?

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