HubSpot Salesforce Integration: Connect Your HubSpot to Salesforce

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, customer relationship management (CRM) is paramount for organizations looking to thrive and succeed. CRM platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot have become indispensable tools for businesses of all sizes to manage customer interactions, streamline sales processes, and drive growth. However, using these platforms in isolation can result in fragmented data, inefficient workflows, and missed opportunities. To address these challenges, many organizations opt for HubSpot Salesforce integration, a strategic solution that brings together the strengths of both platforms.

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In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the world of HubSpot Salesforce integration. We will explore the benefits and best practices for implementing this integration. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how integrating HubSpot and Salesforce can transform your CRM efforts and drive business success.

In this article:

Understanding HubSpot and Salesforce

Before we dive into the intricacies of integration, let’s begin by understanding the two CRM giants: HubSpot and Salesforce.

HubSpot: A Comprehensive Inbound Marketing Platform

HubSpot is a leading inbound marketing and sales platform known for its user-friendly interface and a suite of tools designed to attract, engage, and delight customers. HubSpot offers features like email marketing, social media management, content creation, lead generation, and marketing automation. It’s particularly popular among small and mid-sized businesses for its accessibility and affordability.

Key HubSpot Features:

  • Marketing Hub: Includes tools for email marketing, content management, social media, SEO, and marketing automation.
  • Sales Hub: Offers features for lead tracking, pipeline management, and email tracking, and meeting scheduling.
  • Service Hub: Focuses on customer support, ticketing, knowledge base, and customer feedback management.

Salesforce: The CRM Industry Pioneer

Salesforce is a pioneer in the CRM industry, renowned for its robust and scalable platform that caters to businesses of all sizes, from start-ups to enterprise-level corporations. Salesforce provides a comprehensive suite of CRM solutions that cover sales, service, marketing, and more. It is known for its customizability, extensive app ecosystem, and a wide range of features that support customer engagement and relationship building.

Key Salesforce Features:

  • Sales Cloud: Offers tools for lead management, opportunity tracking, analytics, and sales automation.
  • Service Cloud: Focuses on customer service with features like case management, knowledge base, and omni-channel support.
  • Marketing Cloud: Provides marketing automation, email marketing, and analytics capabilities.

HubSpot Salesforce Integration Is Needed

  • The HubSpot CRM is best suited for smaller businesses with a tighter budget, whereas Salesforce is better suited for bigger businesses. Therefore, it is recommended for these smaller businesses to use a Lightning-fast Salesforce and HubSpot Integration to gain access to crucial data from both CRMs.
  • If Salesforce and HubSpot are successfully integrated, contacts and lead information for the sales team may be passed back and forth between the two CRM systems. Lead intelligence insights include website behaviours, form submits, and email openings.
  • Additionally, It creates uniformity between the advertising and sales roles. By delivering lead scores from HubSpot to Salesforce, the connection frees up your sales team’s valuable time and raises the priority of outreach for the sales team.
  • Finally, users may leverage Salesforce accounts and contacts to send emails to the sales representative assigned to your lead. Based on the Salesforce data, the user then sends tailored emails or segments databases.

Benefits of HubSpot Salesforce Integration

Now that we have a good understanding of the integration options available, Let’s explore the wide-ranging benefits that organizations can gain from integrating HubSpot and Salesforce:

Unified Customer View

Integration ensures that both sales and marketing teams have access to the same, up-to-date customer data. This unified view of customers and prospects allows for better-informed decisions, personalized communication, and improved customer experiences.

Improved Lead Management

Integration enables organizations to establish robust lead management processes. Leads generated through marketing campaigns in HubSpot can be seamlessly transferred to Salesforce, ensuring that sales teams can prioritize and follow up on the most promising leads.

Enhanced Marketing Automation

HubSpot’s marketing automation capabilities can be supercharged with Salesforce data. Marketers can create highly targeted and personalized campaigns based on the comprehensive customer information available in Salesforce.

Sales Efficiency

Sales teams benefit from integration by having access to detailed lead and contact profiles, including engagement history and lead scoring. This information empowers sales reps to engage with prospects more effectively and close deals faster.

Streamlined Workflows

Integration lessens the need for manual data entry and lowers the chance of mistakes. Sales and marketing teams can automate routine tasks, such as lead assignment and follow-ups, freeing up time for more strategic activities.

Accurate Reporting and Analytics

Integrated data provides a single source of truth, leading to more accurate reporting and analytics. Organizations can track the entire customer journey, measure campaign effectiveness, and make data-driven decisions.


As organizations grow, their CRM needs evolve. Integrated systems are inherently scalable, allowing businesses to expand their CRM operations without the need for major overhauls.

Cost Savings

Integration can lead to cost savings by reducing manual labour and the need for multiple standalone tools. Organizations can optimize their tech stack by leveraging the strengths of both HubSpot and Salesforce.

Working of HubSpot Salesforce Integration

Here’s an overview of how HubSpot Salesforce integration works:

1. Understanding the Need for Integration

HubSpot is often used for inbound marketing, lead generation, and email marketing, while Salesforce is used for managing sales and customer relationships. Integrating these two platforms allows for seamless data sharing and synchronization between marketing and sales teams.

2. Setting up the Integration

To integrate HubSpot and Salesforce, you’ll need to go through the setup process, which typically involves these steps:

  • Connect HubSpot and Salesforce Accounts: You’ll need admin access to both HubSpot and Salesforce. In HubSpot, go to the Integrations settings and connect your Salesforce account.
  • Configure Data Mapping: Define how data will flow between the two systems. You can specify which HubSpot properties correspond to Salesforce fields.
  • Sync Options: Choose how often data should sync between HubSpot and Salesforce. You can typically set up real-time or scheduled syncs.
  • Customization: Depending on your business needs, you may want to customize the integration to match your specific processes.

3. Data Synchronization

Once the integration is set up, data begins to flow between the two platforms. Here’s how it typically works:

  • Lead and Contact Sync: New leads or contacts created in HubSpot can be automatically pushed to Salesforce. Likewise, leads or contacts created in Salesforce can sync back to HubSpot.
  • Opportunity and Deal Sync: Opportunities or deals created in either system can sync to the other. This ensures that sales teams have access to the latest information about potential customers.
  • Email Tracking: You can track email interactions in both platforms, ensuring that sales reps have insights into email engagement.
  • Campaign Tracking: HubSpot campaigns can be associated with Salesforce campaigns, allowing for better tracking of marketing efforts and their impact on sales.
  • Analytics: Both platforms offer reporting and analytics features, and data from one platform can be used to enrich the reporting capabilities of the other.

4. Lead Nurturing and Sales Engagement

With the integration in place, your sales and marketing teams can work more efficiently. For example:

  • Marketing can score and nurture leads in HubSpot, and when they reach a certain threshold, they can be passed to Salesforce as qualified leads.
  • Sales reps can access a complete lead history, including website interactions, email opens, and engagement with marketing materials, within Salesforce.
  • Sales teams can collaborate with marketing to provide feedback on lead quality and adjust marketing campaigns accordingly.

5. Continuous Monitoring and Maintenance

After setting up the integration, it’s essential to monitor it regularly to ensure data consistency and accuracy. As your business processes evolve, you may need to make adjustments to the integration to align with changing requirements.

6. Training and Support

Your staff should receive training on how to use the connected systems efficiently. Also, ensure there’s a support system in place to troubleshoot any issues or questions that may arise during daily operations.

7. Data Security and Compliance

Throughout the integration process, and especially during ongoing operation, ensure that data security and compliance with relevant regulations (such as GDPR or HIPAA) are maintained. Implement security measures, encryption, and access controls to protect sensitive customer data.

Steps for HubSpot and SalesForce Integration

Preparation before Starting the Integration Process

During the setup and installation of the integration, you may anticipate switching back and forth between these instructions and Salesforce.

Along with the following subscriptions, access rights, and permissions in your Salesforce account, you must have Account Access permissions in your HubSpot account:

  • Salesforce Professional or an edition of Salesforce with access to APIs.
  • Be assigned the HubSpot Integration Permission set (in the Available Permission Sets column, choose HubSpot Integration Permissions) or be a Salesforce system administrator.

Own each of the following administrative rights for user profiles:

  • API Activated.
  • Enable View Setup and Configuration.
  • Any objects (accounts, campaigns, contacts, leads, or opportunities) that you want to sync to HubSpot should have Modify All selected.
  • Own the Modify Metadata access (to examine data on Salesforce lead and/or contact records in the HubSpot Visualforce interface). Only if you wish to use the Visualforce window and sync deals to HubSpot is this necessary.
  • Has the ability to download AppExchange packages.
  • Has the ability to customize an application’s profile. This is necessary for both the installation of the HubSpot Visualforce window and for the window’s automatic updates.
  • Make sure your user profile can see the task Type field.

Step 1: Through Hubspot, Install the Salesforce Integration

  • The majority of the integration procedure may be finished within your Hubspot account. During the procedure, you will be briefly transferred to Salesforce a few times.
  • Go to your Hubspot account and, next to the settings symbol, click the Marketplace button in the upper right corner of the page. You may look for the Salesforce app on the marketplace.
Install the HubSpot-Salesforce integration
  • Select the Salesforce app option, then click Install. You may start the integration process by entering your Salesforce login in the box that will display.

Step 2: Create a Hubspot Installation on Your Salesforce Account

  • Installing Hubspot into your Salesforce account is the following procedure. You’ll notice a notification that is hyperlinked and reads, “Start the Salesforce package installation to begin.” When you click this link, a new tab with Salesforce and the Hubspot installation package open will appear. Simply choose the Install for All Users checkbox and click the Install button.
  • You might need a few minutes to finish the process, and Salesforce will send you a confirmation email. Return to the Hubspot window you had open after that and click next.

Step 3: Enroll in the Hubspot’s VisualForce Module

  • As part of the integration, a window called Hubspot VisualForce will show up on your contact and lead data in Salesforce.
  • It displays every contact activity inside Salesforce as well as their likelihood of closing. You may now include the Visualforce view into Salesforce. In case you change your mind, you can always add it.
  • If you decide to install the module right away, Salesforce will momentarily reroute you there while you complete a few easy steps to style the Hubspot Visualforce display.
  • Return to the Hubspot integration panel when that is complete and click next.

Step 4: Choose the Data Syncing Method for the two Applications

  • At this stage, Hubspot offers a recommended configuration for mapping fields and synchronizing data across the two platforms. If your Salesforce setup is quite simple or right out of the box, this could be your best option. If necessary, you will always be able to go back and alter the field mappings.
Choose the Data Syncing Method for the two Applications
  • If you pick the suggested configuration yet any of your Salesforce properties don’t have corresponding Hubspot counterparts, Hubspot will build new custom fields for you.
  • If the mapping is off, It could be difficult to modify afterwards and complicated to understand. Because of this, many customers select the advanced set-up option.

Step 5: Pick the Contacts You want to Sync

  • The next pages, if you choose advanced set-up, will walk you through the process of mapping various fields and objects across the two platforms.
  • The selection of which contact records to sync is the initial stage in this procedure.
  • You have the option of uploading a contact list to Hubspot or syncing every contact.
  • You may choose a list from a dropdown list on this screen if you’ve uploaded one.

Step 6: Integrate Your Tasks and Activities

  • Activities and tasks come next in the synchronizing process.
  • If you enable the Salesforce task sync, Hubspot will create a task whenever a task is created in your Salesforce account.
  • The Timeline sync part comes next. Here, you can pick which Hubspot events produce tasks in Salesforce automatically and tie them to your sales and marketing workflows. For instance, a lead who submits a Hubspot form can cause a call task to be created on the corresponding Salesforce record.

Step 7: Sync up Your Objects and Properties

  • Your options for synchronizing your properties and objects will appear when you click next. Fields from your Hubspot connections, businesses, and deals will all be mapped.
  • If each object type has a large number of fields to map, this operation may take some time. However, It’s a great approach to make sure your mapping is flawless before turning on the integration.
  • Turn on the option for firms and deals to enable corporate sync. Contacts will already have undergone this sync.
  • Next, Navigate between the three tabs and translate the Hubspot object fields to their Salesforce equivalents.

Step 8: For Each Property, Select Your Sync Type

  • This stage will determine the method and timing of data transfer between the two platforms as well as the timing of field updates. There are three alternatives available.
  • When using the Prefer Salesforce option, Hubspot data will only be sent to Salesforce if the Salesforce field is empty.
  • The Always Use Salesforce option prevents Hubspot from ever sending data to Salesforce and ensures that Salesforce data always replaces any existing Hubspot values.
  • Due to the fact that it maintains data consistency between the two platforms, the two-way option is popular. A field will always update in both platforms whenever it is updated in one.
  • Click next after selecting your chosen sync options for each asset.

Step 9: Complete the Setup

  • Immediately after this, a brief review window with a summary of your contact, activity, and object sync settings will show. You may adjust the sync setting by clicking Change next to any of these categories if you wish to make any changes.
Complete the Setup
  • Click Finish setup when you’re finished and pleased. Data will start synchronizing between the two as soon as Hubspot returns you to the general Salesforce connection settings screen.

Step 10: Add Your Salesforce Data to Hubspot

  • The import of your Salesforce data into Hubspot is the last step. Either entire data or a selected set of items (such as leads, accounts, campaigns, etc.) may be imported.
  • Before importing the rest of your Salesforce information, starting with one item is an excellent method to see if the sync is performing as planned.
  • Visit Hubspot and choose the Contacts tab. Start an import by choosing Import on the top right-hand side.
  • Select Salesforce by selecting Integrations from the list of choices and pressing next.
  • Click everything after selecting Standard Objects to do the whole import at once.
  • Confirm the import by clicking the Review button. Even though importing huge volumes of data might take a while, Hubspot will let you know when it’s finished with an in-app notice.

Step 11: Examine Your Integration and Syncing Settings

  • You may go back to any of these stages in Hubspot at any moment if something goes wrong or you want to adjust the integration or data sync settings.
  • On Hubspot, Choose Settings from the main navigation bar by clicking the gear symbol.
  • Go to Connected applications by selecting it from the Integrations dropdown menu on the left-hand panel.
  • Select go to settings from the Actions box after searching for Salesforce.
Examine Your Integration and Syncing Settings

You may utilize the strength of both platforms to create seamless sales and marketing operations and processes once yours Hubspot and Salesforce data are connected through this connection. Hubspot’s marketing efforts are immediately transferred to Salesforce, and this connection can have an impact on the timeliness and effectiveness of your operations and tasks for improved sales results.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do Duplicate Records get Handled by the HubSpot-Salesforce Integration?

By using the related contacts, HubSpot deduplicates Salesforce accounts (HubSpot businesses). The HubSpot firm won’t sync to a separate Salesforce account after this connection has been made. For instance, if contacts connected to one HubSpot business are connected to another HubSpot company, they will be connected to the Salesforce account for the new HubSpot Company. It won’t connect the original HubSpot Company with the associated Salesforce account for the other firm.

How is Owner Data from Salesforce Synced with HubSpot?

By default, the HubSpot Contact/company/deal owner property will sync with the Owner ID field on a Salesforce lead, contact, account, or opportunity record. Any Salesforce owner can sync with HubSpot, but only HubSpot owners whose names and email addresses correspond to those of current Salesforce users will sync with Salesforce. The Owner ID field will reset to the most recent Salesforce value if HubSpot tries to sync an owner who doesn’t exist in Salesforce.

Why do Certain HubSpot tasks Replicate Rxisting Salesforce tasks?

HubSpot deduplicates each sort of action on the object record timeline each time a contact opens or clicks a marketing email delivered from your HubSpot account. The HubSpot Email Events API, which does not deduplicate activities, creates the matching Salesforce tasks if you have configured these email activities to sync to Salesforce.

  • A Salesforce task will be created each time a contact opens or clicks a marketing email.
  • Any additional email opens and clicks that result from a contact forwarding a marketing email to another recipient will be credited to the original contact, and additional Salesforce tasks will be generated.

Can I use one Salesforce Environment to Link Numerous HubSpot Accounts?

You can join several HubSpot accounts with a single Salesforce environment if your HubSpot-Salesforce connector is version 2.60 or above. The same techniques may be used to install the Salesforce integration in your second HubSpot account if yours first HubSpot account is already linked to your Salesforce environment.

What makes HubSpot CRM Special?

A CRM platform that enables you to monitor leads and customers at various points in their journeys is at the core of HubSpot. The CRM from HubSpot is truly free and includes a number of capabilities including live chat, dynamic lists, lead capture forms, and email marketing.

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