How to Unhide Columns in Microsoft Excel

Working with Microsoft Excel can get overwhelming at times, but not when you have the expert techniques of making it […]

Working with Microsoft Excel can get overwhelming at times, but not when you have the expert techniques of making it detailed and professional. Being very important software for your business, for every prerequisite you need Microsoft Excel and thus, you should be a pro at it with the complete overview knowledge of all of its formatting options. Steps to Unhide Columns in Microsoft Excel.

As the most optimal software for sorting and arranging huge datasets, it asks for alphabetizing, merging/adding cells. During such actions, there would be a rise of a need in which you need to hide columns that you are not using anymore but cannot delete the same as well.

For such a scenario, hiding columns is required while you are working on an Excel Spreadsheet. If you are new to a worksheet and the columns are hidden, you would be required to unhide the respective columns.

This article will help you to understand how to unhide columns in Excel (don’t worry, this article also covers how to unhide columns in Excel under various circumstances too!).

While working on an MS Excel document, you must know either unhide or hide column action and can easily operate the respective sheet more effectively.

Steps to Unhide Columns in Microsoft Excel

Thus, let’s get this started! Scroll below for the elaborative laid out steps to unhide columns in Microsoft Excel:

Step 1: The first step for unhiding columns in MS Excel would require you to make a click on the small triangle-shaped icon located in the upper-left corner of your table. This would enable the selection of the entire worksheet.

If you wish to use a shortcut for this, press CTRL + A multiple times until you find the complete list to be highlighted.

Step 2: Make a click on the Selection and choose Unhide. The Unhide option would be under the Context Menu.

Steps for Unhiding the First Column in Microsoft Excel

The above-mentioned steps are strictly for unhiding all columns in Excel. Next, you would be required to know how to unhide the first column in Microsoft Excel.

The next section would take you through the steps for unhiding the first column in MS Excel:

Step 1: In the first step for unhiding the first column in MS Excel, hit the F5 key and go to Home.

Step 2: Choose Find & Select from the Home option. After you have chosen Find & Select, press on Go To.

Step 3: A Go to dialog box would be appearing. Under the Reference: field enter A1 and choose OK. You might not be able to view it, but cell A1 would be automatically selected.

Step 4: Navigate to Home and tap on Cells Group.

Step 5: Select Format and choose Hide & Unhide.

Step 6: Click on Unhide Columns.

How You can Unhide Columns by Expanding them

You can also choose to Unhide columns by expanding them. Here’s how you can unhide columns by expanding them:

Step 1: The first step for unhiding columns by expanding it would need you to make a click on the header for the respective column B, there by selecting it.

Step 2: Drag the cursor towards the left until you can view the double-sided arrow.

Step 3: Move the mouse pointer now to the right, which will enable expansion of the hidden column A.

Clear enough about unhiding columns in MS Excel right? But one important factor to keep in mind here is to locate the hidden columns in the MS Excel document.

How to Locate the Hidden Columns in the MS Excel Document

To understand how to locate the hidden columns in the MS Excel document, there are a few steps involved that needs to be understood and learnt.

The next section will help you to easily figure out how to locate the hidden columns in the MS Excel document.

Step 1: For locating the hidden columns in the MS Excel document, open the respective workbook and go to Home.

Step 2: Hit the Find & Select icon and choose Go to Special option listed under Menu.

Step 3: A Go to Special dialog box would be appearing and under it choose the Visible cells only button.

Step 4: Press OK.

The visible part on the table would be highlighted and the column borders which are currently adjacent to the hidden columns borders will turn whitish.

Step 5: The same action can be executed by using a shorter path. For this press the F5 key and choose Visible Cells only or you can simply press Alt + ;.

Hope this would explain a lot better for you to know about how to unhide columns in MS Excel. Follow the above-mentioned steps for various situations for unhiding columns in MS Excel.

It is pretty straightforward and you can easily master unhiding columns in MS Excel like a pro. If this article benefitted you in understanding and learning more about unhiding columns in MS Excel, stay tuned to get more such elaborative Microsoft Excel tutorials.

Why do I need to Unhide Columns in my MS Excel Worksheet?

On an MS Excel worksheet, you can choose to hide columns and it is a very helpful option. By using the Hide feature, you can conceal some of the unwanted data that you cannot discard from the sheet but also at the same time don’t want your users to edit or work on the same.

Thus, when these respective columns are hidden, to retrieve working on them for some reason, you need to unhide them.

And that’s how you need to unhide columns in an Microsoft Excel Worksheet.

I want to Unhide Selective Columns in MS Excel. How can I do that?

If you wish to unhide selective columns in MS Excel, the following steps would be aiding you for the same:

checked Choose columns to its respective left and right of the column which you wish to unhide.
checked Visit Home and choose Cells Group.
checked Tap on Format and click on Hide & Unhide.
checked Choose Unhide Columns.

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